Ostarine 4 week cycle Blood Test Results


New member
I just finished up a 4 week ostarine cycle. Originally I had hoped to do 8 weeks, but I got a heat rash all over my forearms and forehand. (supposedly you get them from sweat getting trapped under your skin or something).
My dose was 12.5mg in the first week, 25mg the remaining few weeks after. I should note that at one point I went up to 40mg for 3 days just to try it out. After the third day, I got the rash, so I quickly dropped down my dose back to 25mg. The rash stayed until I decided to end my osta cycle. The rash went away almost immediately after I quit OSTA, so I can safely say that it was the cause of the rash.

I ran clom 25/25/25. I got my test take at the end of week one of PCT, because I didn't really feel all that shut down and did not really want to run clom for 2 more weeks if my bloods came back normal.
Turns out my bloods are just fine.

All in all, I don't think I will be running ostarine again because it wasn't really giving me any noticeable effects.
I ran it during a cut, so my goal was just to maintain strength while on a low calorie diet. It seemed to do fine in this regard, but now that I am in PCT I can see that my natural testosterone could do the same thing just fine.
I thought I should explain the lipid values a little:
In December/ January I ran a p-mag cycle 6 weeks 50/75/75/100/100/100
Then I ran clomid PCT 100/75/75/50 during february
In March, I started using ostarine for 4 weeks and during that period lowered my bodyfat from 29% to 25% while maintaining all my strength.
Currently I am still running a clomid PCT, but will probably end it in a few days since my test levels came back normal.

I don't know why my cholesterol is f'ed up, but I will take a wild guess and say that it was the pmag cycle I ran earlier.
I am on a keto diet right now, but I doubt that has anything to do with it.