Ostarine/sarm stack help and or suggestions


New member
ive decided to give ostarine a try to help me build some muscle and im thinking of stacking it with ibutamoren (mk-677) and rad-140, im wonderig if theirs any problems with stackig that many sarms or maybe those ones in peticular, or if anyone has any other suggestions or different or better sarms or anything else you reccomend with the sarms. Thanks
why don't you just run the Ostarine by itself your first go around and see how you do , see if you experience 'shut down' and see how you recover.

if you throw in a bunch of crap and you have good of bad sides then your not going to know whats responsible for what.
Just run osta only like roush said. I ran it for 6 weeks and i gained decent muscle mass theres a log here on that.
Keep it simple, itll help you in the long run; good luck