Ota457's First Cycle Preview and Log


New member

I'm 24 years old. I've been lifting intermittently since I was 13 and training seriously for two years. After about a year of research and consideration I've decided I'm ready to run a cycle. I will be using this forum as a diary.


Max Bench: 250 DL: 405 Squat: 345


Calories: -
Total Carbs: -
Total Protein: -
Total Fat: -

I'll post this later once some time goes by. I'm eating like an animal right now. Don't worry.



I fucked up and had a protein shake right before the test. I assume (hope) that's why the glucose is so high. Any comments on this?

The Cycle:




Yes, they suck. Not retaking them.

I'll be taking TUDCA, fish oil and milk thistle with the dbol. Should I also add liv-52?

I had gyno from puberty and already had the glands compleatly removed (just confirmed this with surgeon). On the cycle spreadsheet it says I'm running Aromasin from the beginning. This is not the case. I'm waiting for sides.
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First pin was on MLK day (yesterday). Ass was slightly sore afterwards. It's better today. Dealing with some increased anxiety due to the SSRI I take (lexapro) interacting with dbol. steroidology.com/forum/anabolic-steroid-forum/16302-steroids-anti-depressants-anxiety.html <----It's nicely explained here.
dude, COPY PASTE HERE, that is all it takes. Are we here to waste our time or to try to help and advice you? Where is your head?
You haven't a clue... The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over expecting different results...
You really do have a hard on for this thread, don't you? I've already posted to another forum. They work fine there. Later guys!