Otc AI and Prolactin inhibitors for experiment.


New member
Hello was wandering if you guys knew any otc alternatives? I have everything I need a friend was wanting to test some out... Not worth it in my opinion but oh well.
why not just buy the actual AI and prolactin inhibit from RUI rather then going to an etc alt which I'm not even sure if there are.
I appreciate the opinions but I really was hoping to hear about any otc options. I have arimadex,clomid, and cabergoline on hand it's really for my friend who gives 0 fucks about his health lol.
why not just buy the actual AI and prolactin inhibit from RUI rather then going to an etc alt which I'm not even sure if there are.

So there are no OTC AI's that work. RUI's products are the real thing and they are legal and safe and they work. Why wouldn't you just use them. Do you want to grow a pair of Tits.