Hello, Q:I injected for the first time 250 test E and my joints hurt alot is this common side effect or is this something i should try to medicate? thanks
Hello, Q:I injected for the first time 250 test E and my joints hurt alot is this common side effect or is this something i should try to medicate? thanks
I doubt this would cause instantaneous pain from a first injection of a drug that takes a couple weeks to really kick in. Then unless your taking an Aromatase inhibitor (AI) the increase in estro should "help" the joints on a technical basis.
yea it passed after about the third injection had to be brought on by the test no other explantion never had anything like that happen to me before.i feel great 4th injection no signs of gyno no acne the fellas are great.
Now i just have to get use to the emotional part of this i seem to over react more when im mad or feel streesed out but i keep myself in check i know its the test.
Yup Anxiety thats what i feel and it comes on strong sometimes
About how long does it last more or less? Is it something that goes away in couple cycles or a couple years?
Yup Anxiety thats what i feel and it comes on strong sometimes
About how long does it last more or less? Is it something that goes away in couple cycles or a couple years?
Its all mental, therefore its all up to you how long it lasts. Its not caused by the steroids, its caused by the act of using them. Essentially your inducing the anxiety subconsciously, and it should go away as you keep pinning and get more comfortable with it.
Hello, Q:I injected for the first time 250 test E and my joints hurt alot is this common side effect or is this something i should try to medicate? thanks
Wait till the T/E kicks - then the joints will really hurt. It did for me.
If you train hard and heavy all the time - Test will do a number on your joints, due to a reduction in collagen synthesis by up to 80% according to studies. That's why with the latest cycle i am focusing on strengthening the ligaments and joints with EQ/Test at 2.4-1 ratio. Also looking to throw in 20-40mg Anavar (var) later on. The usage of the latter really helped in the last cycle.
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