Overcooking Gear-Please Help Urgent!!!!


New member
My buddy just made up our brew of masteron and EQ. He filtered then baked it at 250 degrees for 1 hour. Then as he was letting it cool he was called out on an emergency and had to let the gear sit in the oven for over 1.5 hours with the foil on top. The oven was off at this time. So he didn't have the time to cap it right then and there

When he came home he reheated it again at the same degrees for another hour because he felt that he may have let it become contaminated with bacteria.

Is the juice still good or is it destroyed from letting it cook for 2 hours total time

please help
i never bake my gear.....especially from the fact that i already filtered it.

even ask dougo if you don't believe me.
I am not asking if anyone likes to bake their gear, I am asking if the gear that he made is still potent and usable.

please help
old timer said:
even ask dougo if you don't believe me.

this is a great way to make your decisions!!!

bro, you're gear should be fine. If anything you may have lost a little volume but even then it is prolly negligible.

even ask dougo if you don't believe me! lol
Hey guys

sorry for not introducing myself. I am new to the board and this is the first time I made some gear. I am new to this and I want to make some quality stuff here. I am going to run it soon as long as I didn't ruin it

It didn't turn dark colour. I used 3%BA, used a .20 filter and baked it.

I wasn't worried about it being sterile, I was scared that I ruined the proteins of the hormone thereby destroying it.

Do you think even after baking it for 2 hours it is still at the same dose. I made the Masteron at 125mg/ml and the EQ at 300mg/ml

I was wondering if since he baked it so long it would reduce the potency of the dose per ml or it was completely ruined and would provide no results.

Please give me some feedback

thanks for all your help
its fine. 250f is a little on the low side. id go 275 for 1 full hour. and whats with the foil over the top of it? plug and aspirate witrh a 25g pin. make sure to calibrate you oven too. most are off substancially.

how do you know if its been "cooked"? it will be black.

and old timer bro you are completely lost. dont share OPINIONS til you learn the ins and outs of home brew. do you even know why baking is a part of the procedure? do you know what endotoxins are? do you know how small they are? are they captured by a filter? i mean how long does it take to do this step? 1 extra hour for safety reasons. seems like a no brainer to me.
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RJH8541 said:
this is a great way to make your decisions!!!

bro, you're gear should be fine. If anything you may have lost a little volume but even then it is prolly negligible.

even ask dougo if you don't believe me! lol
Hey! What I say GOES around these parts. Now edit that or be banned :insane2:
RJH8541 said:
this is a great way to make your decisions!!!

bro, you're gear should be fine. If anything you may have lost a little volume but even then it is prolly negligible.

even ask dougo if you don't believe me! lol

i disagree.. ask dougo if you don't believe me!... lmao
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