pullinbig said:
i didnt take it as bashing. i hear it all the time from my new trainees. I start them out a two day/week routine for the first month or two. then if they are holdin up we'll try three. they have all made great gains. its not uincommon for me take on someone who has never been to a gym in thier life and watch them dbl weight moved two or three times in the first month. I too used to feel just as you did. i have learned over the years that only a small % of folks can maintain high volume work. when i run across one i will load him/her up and they flourish but as i said this is a very small%. try it and se what happens. do the routine i posted, as posted, for 12 week sand i promise if you have the big three in place (lifting, nutrition, rest) you will be very happy with results. leave one of the big three out and you will not grow no matter what routine you are doing.
damn i feel like a car salesman. lololololol
Thats cool. I might try it, or at least not by doing so many sets on iso stuff. But the thing is I'm not a newbie to lifting. I've been lifting for 10 years. Since I was 13, I'm 23 now. The first few years was just piddling around in my bedroom w/ the little "my first home gym" type deals. But I've been lifting seriously for 7 years and the past 3 w/ nutrition and diet and serious lifting. I've gained 35 lbs in the past 15 months all naturally. Some of that is fat but I can still see my abs so a good portion of it is muscle. I just feel like I'm small as hell. My arms unflexed down by my side are 15.5" and for lifting that long, I just feel like I should be a lot bigger. Heres my workout, tell me what you think:
Monday - Back: Lat PD or pullups: 4 sets 7-10 reps
: Bent over rows or Seated rows: 3-4 sets 7-10 reps
: Deadlifts 3 sets 10 reps each
: chainsaws or other rowing exer: 3 sets of 8-10 reps
Traps: 3 sets barbell shrugs to front
: 3 sets barbell to rear or db or seated machine
Tuesday - Shoulders: Seated DB press 3-4 sets 6-10 reps
: front raises and side raises 3 sets each, about 8-10 reps. then a rear delt exercise. sometimes I'll do 3 sets of barbell presses too.
Calves: 5-6 sets of 10 or so reps
Wed: off
Thurs: Upper legs: leg press 5 sets, sometimes squats for 3 sets instead. Then leg ext and leg curl 3 sets each.
Bi's: barbell curl 4 sets of 6-10 reps
seated curl 4 sets of 6-10 reps
hammer curl 4 sets of 6-10 reps
Fri: Chest: Bench 3-4 sets 6-10 reps
Incline DB or barbell 3-4 sets 6-10 reps
(rotate which one I start with)
incline flyes or pec machine 3-4 sets (6-10 reps)
Tri: DB ext behind head 4 sets 8-10 reps
Tri pushdown 3-4 sets 8-10 reps
skull crushers 3-4 sets 8-10 reps
dips or rope or cable pushdowns 3-4 sets 8-10 reps
Thats it. Thats a lot of shit. Usually first set on stuff I get 10 reps then I add 5-10 lbs then reps usually drop to 7-8 then usually add 5 or 10
lbs more and get as many reps as I can. I usually do 12 sets for everything except back I usually do 16 b/c its your entire backside.