P 2cond Journal Sermorelin 15 ghrp 6 ghrp 2 this is power to the metal potent pep

I called my doc b with Entourage clinic, he recomended Sermorelin 15/3/6 he said this it is a very potent peptide,
so I placed my order with him, 2 day's later poow!! Entourage never failed upon delivery, I received a well packed packaged box, In It this potent peptide a long with a big syringe for mixing with bac water and a bottle of bac water,

I fallowed the Instructions the package brought with it on how to constitute this peptide, I added 6 ml of bac water and rolled it in between my hands, it took about 7 minutes to completely dissolve, then I pinned 20 iu's 1 hour before bedtime, went to sleep, a deep good sleep of 8 hours, woke up with a pep no drag getting up, a great sence of feeling that lasted me all day, with a huge pep no jittery,

I'm continuing my journal of sermorelin here, if you want to see my previous journal this is the link for it ..http://www.steroidology.com/forum/a...p-journal-prescribed-peptide-serrmorelin.html,

so far this is the bomb on a great sence of well feeling a long with a big pep that last all day, I have never tried anything like this peptide nor ever tried sermorelin before my previous Journal..
I like to say this peptide is strong like American pharma grade hgh.. :frogjump::flame:
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this peptide is very addicting to me since I love being on pep all day, I notice my body fat has dropped & I'm looking more vascular, I appreciate this advantage of this peptide since I have a lot of Mechanic work I don't have much free time to workout at the gym, also I'm working on a project I bought a classic 1988 chevy s10 4 cylinder 2.5 basic for $150. buck but needed a major makeover Including engine restoration,. tomorrow I will post pics of my chevy baby..:biggthump
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all greased up lol, I took some pics of my pickup, I will load up to post them here, same effect high pep and sleep patterns are deep & rested..
now the deca my doc send me is outstanding!!

F.D.A APPROVED!! & PRESCRIBED!! deca has helped my back tremendously, that said for just a tea spoon of sugar makes the medicine go down, "meaning" for a bit more then ugl$ a bit more $, will make the medicine go down nice..!
after all it's your hard earned money, why take risk....
again deep sleep and woke up no drag at all, went to the bathroom as I started to brush my teeth I noticed in the mirror my face with a dryer look no bloat and better skin like a glow effect, also some sun damaged mark gone..:frogjump:
so much improved with quality sleep and the como of these peptides with deca it's like pinning tren without sides.
btw loading now my chevy pics..

major overhaul, I took out the engine, change all 4 pistons with ring gaskets, changed all 8 lifts, cleaned out the cylinder head and correct all 8 rocker arms with springs with a 90 ft Pound Torque Wrench..
almost done now I have to paint the engine block with a high heat nickle plated paint and chrome carburator, both manifolds and accessories ..
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nothing like a classic old chevy pickup, American made are the best, this engine doesn't have a timing belt or chain just 2 gears
this ghrp is steady working better now, I'm full of energy through out the day burning fat and I still haven't started any routine exercise just clean diet, now i will start to do cardio 3 x a week and add some workout, i'm looking to buy a bench with incline and leg extension also getting bowflex dumbbells they are practicle..
just ordered from my doc MK 677 here is a copy paste to introduce..

Ibutamoren (also known as ibutamoren mesylate or MK-677), promotes the secretion of the growth hormone (GH) and increases insulin-like growth factor 1 (IGF-1) (R, R).

Ibutamoren increases growth hormone levels, by mimicking the action of the hormone ghrelin (R), and binding to one of the ghrelin receptors (GHSR) in the brain (R). Activated GHSR stimulates growth hormone release from the brain.

GHSR is found in brain regions that control appetite, pleasure, mood, biological rhythms, memory, and cognition (R). Therefore, we can expect that ibutamoren may also affect these functions. However, so far, clinical studies describe only the effects ibutamoren has on appetite – and as expected, like ghrelin, ibutamoren increases it.

A great thing about ibutamoren is that it increases growth hormone levels with little or no increase in other hormones, such as cortisol (R, R). Cortisol suppresses the immune system, reduces wound healing, and impairs learning and memory, and it’s usually not good to have this hormone elevated