P.S.L. Product Review - Oh yeah... "Touchdown!"

You won't be. Almost done my second week of tren ace. 350mg/week. So far, can't breath, can't sleep, can't stay cool, can't stop grinding my teeth, and I feel like a million bucks LOL. First few weeks were rough getting used to it, but now I can honestly say I feel great. I have a positive attitude, my physique is already taking on a new form....I hardly look like myself anymore, and my usual weights feel like nothing.

Me too! Just finished my run with. PSL tren ace and I felt like I could bench a bulldozer! You do feel beastly but great.
I know that guy...he one big mf er bro lol

NEVER EVER mail shit back

letter ?
what letter ?
u get a letter baby ?
Mine was just a few days late and no letter. PSL went on general assumption that it got lost or either seized and resent new pack. Never have to worry with these guys!
Mine was just a few days late and no letter. PSL went on general assumption that it got lost or either seized and resent new pack. Never have to worry with these guys!

"Great to hear!"

All the feedback really helps guys... I know sometimes things might seem redundent - but it does keep us up to date
with everything that's going on...

Myself and the other reps are not only here to help... but we're also your safety net (here in the field) to make sure
everyone is taken care of... plus we also look for your feedback to better serve every customer. :)
I think I'm 6 for 6 at this point. Only one of the 6 was domestic and it just arrived. Got me some Tren A, Test E, and T-Bol, will take once I get done recovering from my current cycle of Test and Mast. PSL is a quality product
I think I'm 6 for 6 at this point. Only one of the 6 was domestic and it just arrived. Got me some Tren A, Test E, and T-Bol, will take once I get done recovering from my current cycle of Test and Mast. PSL is a quality product

Great to hear...

I should mention - almost all of my orders are also international and have never had any issues what so ever...

My brother is also here at Ology and always orders domestic so he doesn't have to sign... but is very impressed with the
speed of the order through the domestic line.

DinoTexas - I'd like to hear about your Tren A, Test E and T-Bol cycle once to get mid way into the cycle... it's similar to one of my upcoming cycles
but I'm just in the midst of testing several new products (new to me) and haven't decided on the exact order of these cycles just yet. :D
I'm going to recover for a few months as I'm literally in my last week of a 12 week Test E 600 / Mast E 600 cycle. As soon as I get going on the next cycle, I'll post up some progress. As for the PSL cycle I'm just finishing, 10lbs of quality lean mass which was exactly what I was hoping to accomplish. You hear a lot of chatter about hair loss on Mast; I was fortunate not to experience any of that. I did notice my hair dried out some, but it all stayed intact. Here is a progress pic on PSL Test & Mast after 12 weeks
View attachment 562621

Great to hear...

I should mention - almost all of my orders are also international and have never had any issues what so ever...

My brother is also here at Ology and always orders domestic so he doesn't have to sign... but is very impressed with the
speed of the order through the domestic line.

DinoTexas - I'd like to hear about your Tren A, Test E and T-Bol cycle once to get mid way into the cycle... it's similar to one of my upcoming cycles
but I'm just in the midst of testing several new products (new to me) and haven't decided on the exact order of these cycles just yet. :D
I'm going to recover for a few months as I'm literally in my last week of a 12 week Test E 600 / Mast E 600 cycle. As soon as I get going on the next cycle, I'll post up some progress. As for the PSL cycle I'm just finishing, 10lbs of quality lean mass which was exactly what I was hoping to accomplish. You hear a lot of chatter about hair loss on Mast; I was fortunate not to experience any of that. I did notice my hair dried out some, but it all stayed intact. Here is a progress pic on PSL Test & Mast after 12 weeks
View attachment 562621
