P.S.L. Product Review - Oh yeah... "Touchdown!"


P.S.L. Representative
Here's a few items I'll be reviewing for P.S.L...

The first will be GH (blood work) - Test Base - Halotestin - Viagra :D and Cialis. :D

Because Testosterone Undecanoate is a long-acting testosterone, I'll test for smoothness - and run it
during a cruise phase for my blast and cruises.

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Whoop whoop!

Looking forward to hearing your review on Halotestin. This is one compound I'm keen to try also.

The Test Undecanoate is a handy tool for working your Test in and around a vacation - due to it's slow releasing ester.

Yet to try the Test Base too!
I just did make my first psl order. Includes halo, m1t. Thought is try em both (not at the same time)
Will post results ( actual and perceived)
I just did make my first psl order. Includes halo, m1t. Thought is try em both (not at the same time)
Will post results ( actual and perceived)

Please don't forget to update us on the M1T. I'd really like to know what you think of it.
U guy s will love PSL S gear. I had a recent interupt in training and gearing but will be starting again w trt for 2-3 weeks then ordering.
To date my psl product s I ve done and loved include
prop-no pip at all
cyp---for trt
tren--lil to no sides except the cough but I only do 50 mg/W 50 MG PROP

Dream sheet to try
undocanoate test for trt and travel
halotestin----pass. I m to old to get that strong.

A lot of you think I push these cat s for free stuff. No go. I been a mod here long b4 they were here...hopefully they will be around a long time.

All I can speak about is how my experience has been. Money pu flawless. Packaging flalwless. Service awesome. PIP non existent. If not for recent downturn in financial situation ( laid off) I d be ordering NOW.

When you find a good source, budget it in and save it. Gear stores like ammo so save up. This is a tightly run outfit so get sum !
Dream sheet to try
undecanoate test for trt and travel

I can vouch for Undecanoate for TRT Teutonic - been on prescribed pharma Undecanoate for 18 months now, took a while to get dialled in, but pinning 500mg once a fortnight works for me :)
I've used international several times with no problems. Just made my first domestic order. DAMN, it's a lil pricy, BUT kinda digging NO customs:)
I've used international several times with no problems. Just made my first domestic order. DAMN, it's a lil pricy, BUT kinda digging NO customs:)

They do have an International option without having to sign... but you don't have the same resend policy.

From my personal experience... I've place MANY orders and never had one snagged - I figured the price savings
would cover the price if an order did get snagged... and as of today, I've had a 100% success rate.

Just an FYI :D
If something does happen to get snagged--do they tell you?
And do you get questioned? I'm guessing you just say that you don't know why the package was shipped? I've never ordered any product from outside the US, so I'm a bit leery. I have ordered a watch and some tank tops and they often have a bunch of tape on them, so not sure if they are opened or not.

If your gear get s snagged this is the protocol.

u get a letter that say s SNAGGED MF ER. dO YOU want to come argue it s legal and your s ? Check box
Or do you wish to forfeit ? check box.
Mail back....lol ( which is either an admission of guilt or a nolo contendre plea )

ive got some grey tops coming in myself.. will be posting bloodwork to see what the serum is at with 10iu
Make sure to scan the letter first, PSL needs a copy of it in order to resend. But after that, yeah, shred that bitch and make it go away. Do not reply. There is some guy in customs who is loving his job when he "destroys" all the AAS they snag...
I know that guy...he one big mf er bro lol

NEVER EVER mail shit back

letter ?
what letter ?
u get a letter baby ?
If something does happen to get snagged--do they tell you?
And do you get questioned? I'm guessing you just say that you don't know why the package was shipped? I've never ordered any product from outside the US, so I'm a bit leery. I have ordered a watch and some tank tops and they often have a bunch of tape on them, so not sure if they are opened or not.

Teutonic is spot-on!!!

To date - 99% of my orders are international and have been lucky to not have any snagged. :D
I can't wait will be starting my euro pharma tren ace from psl and from all the reviews on them and there bits I don't think I'll be disappointed.
I can't wait will be starting my euro pharma tren ace from psl and from all the reviews on them and there bits I don't think I'll be disappointed.

You won't be. Almost done my second week of tren ace. 350mg/week. So far, can't breath, can't sleep, can't stay cool, can't stop grinding my teeth, and I feel like a million bucks LOL. First few weeks were rough getting used to it, but now I can honestly say I feel great. I have a positive attitude, my physique is already taking on a new form....I hardly look like myself anymore, and my usual weights feel like nothing.
You won't be. Almost done my second week of tren ace. 350mg/week. So far, can't breath, can't sleep, can't stay cool, can't stop grinding my teeth, and I feel like a million bucks LOL. First few weeks were rough getting used to it, but now I can honestly say I feel great. I have a positive attitude, my physique is already taking on a new form....I hardly look like myself anymore, and my usual weights feel like nothing.

That's what I like to hear never had no doubts on psl bits. Just got to finish off the last bit of this sphinx tren ace and then get on the ep tren ace. Happy days.
I think the secret to tren and to ALL non just test enhancement is to start low....like your first cycle ALWAY S test..then again..then if your willing to live the life branch out.

Tren, as it s not for humans...and if your prone to sides with nor s or mental ( me ) NEEDS TO HANDLED like a loaded gun...with great care as if you have issues a small short estered dose is best as in 2-5 day s you ll be normal whatever that is for you. Joe is lucky as his transformation is worth the sides..and I m happy for him.
Amen to that Teutonic. Start LOW and slowly increase, giving some time for the sides to appear before upping again. And starting with tren-a is the best choice since it has such a short half-life. If you hate the sides, you can reduce the dose, or stop altogether, and it goes away in a few days. if you use tren-e, you have to wait WEEKS for it to go away...