p6 black...cellucor

ok...now that the rediculous answer are outta the way, has anyone actually taken it? If so all i would like is a review of the product from there experience...i know everyone experience and goals during supplementation are different but i just want to hear anything
What's the exact product called?

What is it supposed to do?

What is in it?

Can you buy the same ingredients somewhere else and save money?
Two guys at the gym started taking P6 Black & swear by the stuff. In 6 wks they have both gained around 8lbs. I asked them about there diet & training intensity, and they claimed that it hasnt changed.
seek&destroy said:
Two guys at the gym started taking P6 Black & swear by the stuff. In 6 wks they have both gained around 8lbs. I asked them about there diet & training intensity, and they claimed that it hasnt changed.
who needs drugs when you have p6 black.
P6 was the bomb when it had androstene in it....

I use to take P6 before they banned androstenediol, which was what made it worth taking, not to mention the price. The other day I just happened to grab a bottle to see what they were putting in it these days, and the dude handed me the p6 black, and to my suprise it has a strain of androstene i am not familiar with. Looks like they re-aranged some molecules and called it something like 6-androstenediol, to get around the ban. I have to do some more research, but if it is half as good as the origonal p6, it would definately be worth trying.
I saw a P6 Black brochure at GNC and it looked great. Compounds did not covert to estrogen, but they wanted $140 for a bottle. I found a bottle for under $100, so I bought it right away. I have been on it 2 weeks and I have went up 20 lbs on the bench press and shoulder press, and all my lifts have went up. I have tried a lot of things, but this is freakish. However, the pumps are so big that I was not able to finish my entire workout today(FIRST TIME THIS HAPPENED). This stuff is a little overpriced, but the results are great so far. However, I don't like taking prohormones or gear, I prefer more natural test boosters, creatine beta-alanine, aminos, proteinwill post again in 2 weeks, then I will post cycle.
Ok, so I finaly got a hold of 2 bottles of p6 black, not red, black.. Pre- prohormone ban p6 was the s**t, after the ban, it went to s**t. Same with animal stack, pre ban it was great, after, it sucked. Those were both my steping stones to real gear.
heres what counts in it- (mg. amounts would be a work out day dosage.)
androsta-1, 4-diene-3, 17-dione 200mg- estrogen blocker
androstene-1-ene-3b-ol, 17-one- 3rd gen adro 175mg- couldnt find much on this
19-norandrosta-4, 9diene-3, 17-dione 90mg. - Trenbolone precursor

I have seen alot of trash talk about p6 on posts on alot of sights. Obviously confusing this with post ban p6 red. And probably not old enough to know what p6 was like pre-ban. Im going to do an 8 week cycle, also stacking it with pure androstenediol 400mg. per work out day dose of p6 black. Let you guys know how it turns out.
Info on P6 Black

Remember P6 Black is not for everyone. Cellucor is not designed for the mass market. Cellucor is a specialty line designed for athletes that demand the highest quality product. For those of you that are curious, I hope this helps... Let me know if you have any further questions.

Androsta-1-ene-3b-ol, 17b-one

Androsta-1-ene-3b-ol, 17b-one is a prohormones that requires just two reactions to become its target substance. Enzymes known as 17b-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase and 3b-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase act upon this molecule to make efficient amounts of 1-testosterone. That particular target substance can last in the body up to two hours and is a derivative of dihydrotestosterone (DHT); however it cannot become DHT directly. That makes this extremely active on the androgen receptor, probably giving 1-testosterone its reputation for being 700% more anabolic than testosterone. It also cannot aromatize whatsoever and is even a competitive inhibitor of the aromatase enzyme. This means that the gains made will be very lean due to muscle mass, and an awesome boost in metabolism. This is the most androgenic compound chosen to be part of P6 Black.


19-norandrosta-4,9-diene-3,17-dione is a prohormone that requires only one reaction to become its target substance. All 19-nor prohormones lack the C19 carbon and its 3 hydrogens that attach to it. A single interaction with 17b-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase will end up converting this substance into a highly androgenic 19-nor. However, this same compound is only two reactions from becoming nandrolone and trenbolone. These particular compounds can last up to 6 hours in the body and does not convert to DHT. That is only mildly androgenic and yields side effects that are almost non-existent. Nandrolone converts, estrogenically, at a significantly lower rate than testosterone, while trenbolone does not convert at all. The target substances of this prohormone are between 250% and 500% more anabolic than testosterone alone. The compounds that result from this single prohormone are so anabolic, that they are said to increase growth hormone release, glycogen storage, nitrogen retention, and androgen receptor activity. This is only good news for the other androgens in this product. This is known to be one of the safest prohormones due to its lack of side effects and dramatic anabolic growth that comes with it.


Androsta-1,4diene-3,17dione is equally an androgenic and anabolic prohormone. The 17b-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase enzyme is required for this to turn into its target hormone, boldenone. Boldenone is capable of binding itself to the androgen receptor, causing very lean, dense muscle growth. It converts to DHT at a very minimal rate, so androgenic side effects are kept to a minimum. This compound does not aromatise inhibitors. Boldenone has also been said to stimulate erythropoiesis. Erythropoiesis is the production of red blood cells which can dramatically help muscular endurance by increasing the efficiency of oxygen delivery to the muscles. It also is very orally available due to the bonds at the 1 and 4 positions, which makes it very light on the liver opposed to the methylations of other popular prohormones. This is another hormone that is very safe and can get you more of the great strength and lean, dense muscle gains you're looking for...along with endurance that just doesn't quit.

Hyper-Androgen Transport System and Overview.

P6 BLACK also has and advanced “Hyper-Androgen Transport System” that provides MCTs ensure the lipophilic nature of these prohormones, enhancing absorption into the lymphatic system as well as the blood. N-acetyl-l-cysteine and Andrographis ensure liver health and the activity of the 3b and 17b enzymes. Also, we're debuting the use of Triterpene Glycoside of the Black Cohosh, which has been clinically compared to 6,7dihydroxybergamottin at enhancing prohormone absorption in the body by blocking certain liver enzymes that can destroy them. We've also incorporated diindolylmethane for the proper use and metabolism of the small amount of estrogenic hormones that result from this formula, which will only aid in anabolic growth and noticeable size gains. P6 BLACK will, without a doubt, be the best, single prohormone product you will ever take, specially formulated to be the most powerful, efficient, and safe prohormone combination to be in existence today. The androgens selected were chosen for their potency, specific androgenic and anabolic function, and the lack of side effects involved. With this product you'll get more muscle density, striations, vascularity, and overall lean size than you'll get form any other prohormone product on the market, 100% money back guaranteed.
I'm about to get a couple bottles of this in the next week or so..now what happenss when i get off this ? won't my testosterone levels be low for a whiile but isn't their something to take to bring it right back up? let me know if anyonee understands what im talkin about lol this is my first time taking something on this level, i've only taken little thinngss
4 weeks into it...

well, damn, this stuff isnt bad. As good if not better than pre ban p6 red. Ive made a solid gain of 6 pounds from 183 to 189. (thats not weighing in the morning and then at night after I eat, one week in the morning averaged out) My bench went from 225 for 8 on my last set to 315 for 6.
im pushin up 95 pound dumbels on incline press, up from 80 on my last set.
Weighted dipping 2 plates
I could go on and on, everything has gone way up. I have great drive and even better pumps. 4 more weeks and I will off cycle for 4 and then go 8 again. Its nice to find something that actualy works inbetween supliments and gear. Before the pro hormoine ban it wasnt hard to do, now its hard to find an honest product. This is definately one of them.
my boy at the gym is taking it and he said his strength has gone thru the roof..he's been off it for a couple weeks after about a month on it and said he still has everyhing.. I'm gonna be getting it soon so I'll def keep u guys posted on how it's workinnn
just bought some p6 black , Tokkyo test, p6 red, and novadex (ms). I hope this pro-hormone stack works out. there isn't much info on p6 black or Tokkyo test.
the p6 black is a cocktail of androl and several other goodies. the Tokkyo test is "androsta-1-ene-3b-ol, 17-one"

I will stack the two : 2 tabs of each in the morn and 2 before work out. I will start the p6 red and novadex afew days before the last tabs are gone.

If any one has anything to add please fell free to do so.