pain above knee after quad shot- not the usual lol


New member
right,ill write it as detailed as possable so u get an idea, for the last 4weeks iv been pinning this ug sust250,
using 1.5needles 23gauge,from memory i should go look at them,but im pretty sure thats what they ever, the first shot i done in the right quad,because thats where i did on my last cycle had no issues at all, anyway, i wake up,and my knee feels like its got a bruise above it,not visible but there was a quite a hard lump,and kinda what felt like fluid when ever i took a step,just above my knee,so i i tryed the glute,and got like what felt like an egg on my ass,you couldnt see it, but it was there,again it felt like fluid in my ass cheek,but i made sure i got it into muscle so im sure im not shooting subQ, deffintalty in muscle on the quads,anyways, i payed a bit for this gear,so i figured fuck it ill keep goin as iv started to put on some weight,so like twice a week iv been pinning this shit,so pretty much have one or both fucked legs at a time,ones getting better as the other ones getting worse. i took a jab last night before bed,woke up this morning with no pain,but the more i used my leg the worse it got,by 3pm i could hardly get up a flight of stairs,also whats different about the last shot,im getting pain actually on the outside of my knee,kinda in the tendons, no redness/heat,just really hardout pain, usually its sore for maybe 3-4 days,then starts to go away,but i can still feel some of the shots from like 2weeks ago,when i crouch or the one in my glute when i sit on the edge of a table and that was weeks ago. any thoughts?? i thought too much BA,so if anyone has any experience in that department giz a holla thanks
Once i did glutes and my entire hip was hurting. If its not swollen/red or has a high temp then you're fine
fuck sake ay lol, the guy i got it from,is saying that,in newzealand its like "the best shit",and like 90% of people are using it,but like i got gear off him no more than 6months say,and it was another brand,and hed been carrying that brand for a while, so this shit hes got now is new,and i got a vial of Sustanon (sust) and a vial of enanthate, my uncle got a vial of enanthate too, same batch numbers,both of us got quite bad pain,and flu like symptoms,i was off work for 2 days.but the guy we got it from,is saying we are the only 2 guys to cmplain about it,its the best gear around blah blah,im like bro.....tha last shit u had was better lol,i got no pain at all from it,i thought it was just me untill my uncle had his first try and he was fucked too,so surely its not just us ay
Hey, I do not mean any disrespect whatsoever, but i am looking at your pictures and you look very small. How about gaining more pounds naturally, sorting out your diet and then going on gear?
The pain you are experiencing could be your body fighting off infection, that will also be detrimental to your results, how can you grow when your body is busy fighting infection?
Again no disrespect.
I am taking Test E on my fourth pin and same shit every time, muscle knots up no matter what. I know my shit is good can not figure out what I am doing wrong. 23g 1in pin with 1cc of test, I have hit the glutes three times and the thigh once. I am sticking with the glutes it is a little easier to manage the pain. It is bad enough it doesnt feel worth it at times I lose motivation to lift. Any help?
I am taking Test E on my fourth pin and same shit every time, muscle knots up no matter what. I know my shit is good can not figure out what I am doing wrong. 23g 1in pin with 1cc of test, I have hit the glutes three times and the thigh once. I am sticking with the glutes it is a little easier to manage the pain. It is bad enough it doesnt feel worth it at times I lose motivation to lift. Any help?

Some people are really bad with needles. I can pin a 21g in my thigh and not even feel it and some describe the pain as intolerable. Try this draw with a 21g and inject with 25/27g it can be done it's just slow, but painless. If pain persists use 27g and inject in the delt.