Pain from 17% BB?


New member
I recently made cyp using BB for the first time. Before I only used BA, and I learned to keep the concentration low because otherwise the final product would be too painful. This time I used 2% BA and 17% BB and after putting 1cc in my right ventrogluteal on Monday and another 1cc in my left ventrogluteal on Wednesday I have basically been unable to walk all week. Could the pain be from the BB or is it just the pain of a virgin injection site?
Im going to guess its the case of a virgin site. I have prop at 2%ba and 22%bb that is very mild as far as pain goes. I will say that the first ventroglute shots that I did this time around crippled me for 10 days.
xtinct said:
I recently made cyp using BB for the first time. Before I only used BA, and I learned to keep the concentration low because otherwise the final product would be too painful. This time I used 2% BA and 17% BB and after putting 1cc in my right ventrogluteal on Monday and another 1cc in my left ventrogluteal on Wednesday I have basically been unable to walk all week. Could the pain be from the BB or is it just the pain of a virgin injection site?

what was the concentration? my cyp 333 is pain free for the most part. sometimes the next day it may be a little tender but not crippling by any means.
Some bros are sesitive to alot of BB, very few...
I'm one of them... Until now I've only heard of
one other... Alot of bros have been using 1-1.5%
BA with 18-20% BB with no problems, but with me
anything over 14-15% BB kills me...

Consider yourself one of the unlucky ones... Not
sure why it happens, but I know it's the BB for me,
because I've experimented with other mixes and
it's the extra BB for sure causing the pain for me...
I now try to go no higher then 12% BB for any mix...
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Dougo: I have had a similar experience before when I hit a new site for the first time. I will find out tonight when I do my first delt shot with this mix. If that also causes problems, then it must be the BB.

PB: It's only 250. When I tried 300 or 333 before (don't remember which), it took forever for the last ibt of powder to dissolve. The first 95% were fine, but the last 5% were next to impossible to get into solution. That was with 3-4% BA. It probably would have been a lot easier this time -- I could not believe how fast and easily it all dissolved in the BA/BB mix.

Buff87: That is what I am worried about. I think my body just hates solvents. It must have happened at least 4 or 5 times now that I tried a new lab and after the second shot it was clear that it was causing a bad reaction. When I gave the stuff to a friend, they would be able to use it without any problems at all. That is the main reason I started making my own -- so that I could control the amount of solvent. I should have just stuck with 3% BA by itself. That always seems to work well without these problems.
well the prob with cyp is that it dont always hold with low solvent %'s. i always do sample shots in my ass. i have also found out that sometimes the first shot of a new batch can be a little painfull the first dose or two but after that no probs.

but you know what even if it dont hold you can always heat it up a bit til it goes back to solution then fire away. i always heat my gear anyway.
It's probably not the BB after all. Just before the first shot with the new batch, I did one last shot with some other gear that I knew was causing some irritation. It just had never been this bad.

I figure it's not the new batch because the side where I did a shot on Wednesday with the 17% BB batch is already feeling better, but the other side where I did a shot on Monday and a shot with the previous batch on Sunday is the side that is killing me. PB, that is the stuff I told you about in my PM. I don't know what happened to it, but it's so damn painful right now that I am not even going to try to refilter's going straight in the trash.
pullinbig said:
well the prob with cyp is that it dont always hold with low solvent %'s.

I think that cooking it really helps, though. Last time I made several vials of 250 cyp, I cooked all of mine at 275F for about 1 hour. But there was one that was for a friend. He was in a hurry and didn't care about having it heated, so I just gave it to him and sure enough, two days later it crashed, whereas all of my stuff never had a problem.