pain in nipples on steroid cycle


New member
sry to ask that again
this is my 2nd cycle
test ethanoite X 10 weeks every week 500
from first week i have pain in the left nipple
N.B. the pain started at the last cycle and i started then novaledex 40 mg then drped to 20mg every day followed by PCt of nov and clomid and i cut the cyle bec the lumps started to appear
in this cycle it started to early

i have on hand
aramidex , and novaledex
so i am thinking starting
60mg novaledex in first day
followed by 40 for a week then 20 mg
and aramdix eod 0.5

so is tht good or i should stop the cycle
i am fearing gyn and i am not tht experience to deal with

so kindly for your advices
How much arimidex were you using during your cycle and where did that put your estradiol levels at per your blood work results?
sry to ask that again
this is my 2nd cycle
test ethanoite X 10 weeks every week 500
from first week i have pain in the left nipple
N.B. the pain started at the last cycle and i started then novaledex 40 mg then drped to 20mg every day followed by PCt of nov and clomid and i cut the cyle bec the lumps started to appear
in this cycle it started to early

i have on hand
aramidex , and novaledex
so i am thinking starting
60mg novaledex in first day
followed by 40 for a week then 20 mg
and aramdix eod 0.5

so is tht good or i should stop the cycle
i am fearing gyn and i am not tht experience to deal with

so kindly for your advices

Read these:

How many weeks are you into cycle?

No one can tell over the internet if you have gyno. Need to be diagnosed by a doctor. You can get blood work and see where your e2 is. Without these things your grasping at straws.

There are alot of opinions on how to go about treating it. Read those 2 threads to educate yourself on what should be used. Ralox seems to be the SERM of choice for your issue.
thx guys , i read alot and did some researches the problem is i do have a big red spt tht hurts around the nipple and
its my first week ( first injection ) and then after 3 days an inflamation under nipple happened a big red one surrounding the nipple
so i decided to stop the cycle not to take any shots any more and went on aramadex and novaldex , but did any one suffered this before ?as in my first cycle it was just a clump under my nipple
and i think the best is to see a physician as u said which i am planing to do within 2 days if the pain or redness didnt stop
thx guys , i read alot and did some researches the problem is i do have a big red spt tht hurts around the nipple and
its my first week ( first injection ) and then after 3 days an inflamation under nipple happened a big red one surrounding the nipple
so i decided to stop the cycle not to take any shots any more and went on aramadex and novaldex , but did any one suffered this before ?as in my first cycle it was just a clump under my nipple
and i think the best is to see a physician as u said which i am planing to do within 2 days if the pain or redness didnt stop

Sounds like you have a plan.

The adex at that dose is probably going to crash your E2. I dont have enough experience with this type of situation to advise about it looking forward to seeing what others say. But taking the nolva you have on hand is a good course of action.

Good luck