pain tolerance of deca 500(homebrew)..

old timer

brazilian jiu-jitsu guy
i made deca at a concentration of 500mg/ml.

i have injected it in my glutes (2cc) therefore 1,000mg total in one spot

the pain level is very tolerable. from a scale of 1-10...i'd say 5.

not much except you have to lift up you ass which as the depot in it. b/c it does tend to be annoying. no wonder the phrase is used alot....''pain the ass''

anyways just fyi.

and also i know the usual concentration for making Winstrol (winny) is 100mg/ml

but what if i put it as 200mg/ml...would it make it more painful?

uhhmm...i'm using an oil solution to make winny...and yes it is possible and have been done b4....but i have had no comments regarding that.

anyways. hope to here your response.
how much are you pinning per week of that deca ??

thats a high dossage for a single pin session for a single hormone, why not split it up ?
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just to avoid too many injections. i know i sound lazy but hey....saves the time and trouble of penetrating.

next time i'll split it up between left and right cheek...should be less painful.
one shot of deca per week is plenty. nothing wrong with a 1g shot or even higher. i know from experience. i have done many many 2+g/shot injects. =0)

the pain will prolly quit after a few injects too. its not uncommon till your body adapts.

200mg/ml Winstrol (winny) is gonna feel like nails being driven in you muscle. NE dont do well over 100mg/ml.
i'd have to fully agree with you on that one pullinbig.

i mean i injected 2cc's of deca(1,000mg total) and boy the site was swollen and still is right now and its been 4 days since then. so yeah....i guess my body will adapt to it.

yeah i don't think about putting a super high concent. on Winstrol (winny) as the normal 100mg is pretty stingy already.

thanks for the opinions/comments.
youll get used to it...
I bought way too much prop powder a while ago and felt like a big puss when I couldnt take anything over 75mg/ml. now 6 months later I don't even feel 125mg/ml. Its kinda odd how the body builds a tolerance to that.
yeah ...hey did you get low grade fevers while adapting to the pain ?

just asking.

cuz i feel the same way with this deca shit
low grade fevers can be associated with endotoxins or if the body is trying to fight off an intruder.

we talked about this earlier.
hey pullinbig...

since i'm going to train mma hardcore next month(every day of jiu-jitsu, wrestling, kickboxing)

what routine is best:

should i just stick to the mult-joint exercises

such as squats 2@6-8

incline bench 2@6-8

and pullups or barbell rows 2@6-8 ????

will i still get big even though i'm expending alot of energy into mma?

i know i should eat many calories....but is my dual goal possible?
plus i'm taking 800mg/ml of test and 800 of deca mg/ml....

i just wanna be good at kickin ass yet still look friekishly huge

i know you don't have to be huge to kick ass...but still...look at guys like mark kerr or mark coleman...they're monsters..yet their skill is super high.
you deffinately wanna train the core movements and not much more. 2xw is gonna be plenty on weight training. and yeah you can grow if you eat enough.
what do u mean 2 times per week is enough?

like do u mean like 2 sessions a week

for example.

monday squats and leg extensions
and lying leg curls and stiff legged deadlifts

and thursday

pullups, incline bench, and shoulder press?
old timer said:
what do u mean 2 times per week is enough?

like do u mean like 2 sessions a week

for example.

monday squats and leg extensions
and lying leg curls and stiff legged deadlifts

and thursday

pullups, incline bench, and shoulder press?

an example is

chest, tris, delts and quads.

back, hams and bis.

with all the mma stuff its all you need.
but how many sets per bodypart? how many exercises per bodypart?

so for example.

for tris: wieghted bench dips 2@10-12
close-grip bench press 2@6-8

Day one:
Wide grip Bench Press 2 x 6
Dips 2 x 10
upright rows or side laterals 2 x 8
squats 1 x 8, 1 x 4
calves your choice 2 x 10

Day two:
Dead lift variation 1 x 8, 1 x 4
Posterior movement 2 x 10 (pull thrus, gms, RH, hypers, etc….)
Some type of row 2 x 8
wide grip straight bar curls 1 x 8-12
hammer curls or some other forearm movement 1 x 8-12

something like this.
what do ya think?

hm...that's good...i kinda modified that a bit

day 1:

quads: leg ext. 2@10-12
front squats 2@6-8

hamstrings: lying leg curls 2@10-12
stiff-legged deadlifts 2@6-8

calves: standing calf raises 2@15-20
seated calf raises 2@15-20

day 2:

chest: incline barbell presses 2@6-8

back: pullups 2@6-8 or barbell rows 2@6-8(alternate every week)

shoulders: dumbell lateral raises 2@10-12

triceps: weighted bench dips 2@10-12

biceps: standing barbell curls 2@10-12

forearms: should i even be doing those???? i'm using my grip alot of grappling though.

my question is ...should i split up day 2 since it contains too many bodyparts, or is it just fine b/c each bodypart only has one exercise and 2 sets?

using my logic... i think although my body would be ''tired from grappling'' although i would technically not have the same strength potential if i was not training mma hardcore.....i would still be able to make gains since i am on test/deca.(and since i'm eating on a high cal. diet)
cmon man. i gave you a routine for 2 days, thats what you asked.

if you already know what you wanna do, then do it.

juice is not some magic elixir that you take and all of a sudden you can train as much as you want to. train the same and make faster gains.

over and out on this thread for me.
need help.....if you're right.

pullinbig said:
low grade fevers can be associated with endotoxins or if the body is trying to fight off an intruder.

we talked about this earlier.

okay, lets say my batch of deca does contain endo toxins b/c of me getting very very slight fevers. okay, so what do i do then? can i heat up my vial? for example, put it on top of a fying pan under high heat(w/ a 22g needle inserted in the vial to relieve pressure)?

how long do i heat the solution up?