Straight up...I'm a total a$$hole when it comes to females. I know it's not cool to lead people on or whatever, but I can be messing around with a couple girls and I get pissed when I hear about someone asking them out or something. And I always manipulate the situation so they end up insulting the guy that asked them out. I don't know if I just got the gift of gab or what because I don't think I'm the best looking guy or anything. I once kept a girl from moving away wih her fiance because I still wanted to be able to call her when I wanted to get laid. Another changed colleges so she was going to a local University instead of moving away.
I've been with a lot of females, but if one tells me she fooled around with a couple guys I can't get it out of my head and I make her feel like $hit for doing it.
I'm a possessive a$$hole and I guess I like to have my cake and eat it too.