pct after 11 months on test

Just curious how bad did you break out with acne after running that long?

I know anything over 14-16 weeks I break out and pay for it for a couple months
Ok so i should jus run toremifene solo? And jus keep
Clomid on hand incase i dont feel recovered after i finish the torem? I really wana get a blood test done after i finish pct but im in NJ and i need a script to get blood taken.
Just curious how bad did you break out with acne after running that long?

I know anything over 14-16 weeks I break out and pay for it for a couple months

I got a few pimps they already cleared up but i havnt started any torem or clomid yet so i dunno if acne will be a problem. Im going to try and stay off for awhile after i recover but from now on i will only be running 8week cycles. On and off baby. Easier to recover. Easier to maintain. And you get most ur results by the 8 week period anyway!
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Dude if you don't recover on Torem you won't recover on Clomid IMO... Torem is superior to Clomid.

How long has it been since last shot of hCG? If it's been atleast a few days, start Torem 120/90/60 till the bottle is finished then get blood results a month later see where you are at.
So i started torem monday at 120mg everyday. 120/120/90/90/60/30 of torem is my plan. Then as soon as i finish torem im going to start clomid at like 12.5mg ed for 4 weeks. I dont really feel bad. I def lost a little size and water retention and gained fat but besides that i feel ok. I still.have high energy and libido is still good. Ive busted a nut atleast once a day everyday and its been about 4 weeks since last shot of test

Strength n size def went down. But i am still.gettin decent workouts. Just started using a preworkout drink to help and im adding creatine in my pct now. Guna start at 5g and work my way up to 15g

By the way wat time of day should i take torem? Do i need to split the dose or is once a day ok? And with or without food?
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Where the fuck did you get the idea to run the Clomid after the Toremifene? That's like dressing up formally to go mud wrestling.

The toremifene will restore you, you don't need to run the Clomid after as the Torem will have done it's job much better than Clomid does and you won't get the sides from it. Doesn't matter what time of day you take the torem, it has a very long half life.
When i finish pct my test maybe in the 400s low dose clomid should boost it to 600s. Clomid is supposedly a very good test booster when taken at a low dose like 12.5 g . Torem should restore me. Low dose clomid should BOOST my test levels to a higher level
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Is there any disadvantage to running torem + another SERM? Either clomid or nolva? Or even all 3? Only gonna do the job better isnt it..?
Half the reasoning behind why Torem is better is that fact you don't get the side's you get from Clomid, the worst being tracers/mood swings and depression. Unless you happen to be one of the lucky ones who doesn't suffer from those sides on it, there is no reason to be using it over Torem or with Torem.
I just started my 2nd week into pct. I lowered the torem from 120mg to 90mg. I notice my heart rate goes up immediately after ingesting torem. Also it taste like shit but im getting used to it. I still have 315 on bench press. Im using B creature creatine blend now too so ive noticed my workouts are getting better (more energy more aggressive more anabolic) I would love to get blood work 2 weeks after pct but im in NJ so anyone have any tips? Il probably have to start a new thread ;)
I just started my 2nd week into pct. I lowered the torem from 120mg to 90mg. I notice my heart rate goes up immediately after ingesting torem. Also it taste like shit but im getting used to it. I still have 315 on bench press. Im using B creature creatine blend now too so ive noticed my workouts are getting better (more energy more aggressive more anabolic) I would love to get blood work 2 weeks after pct but im in NJ so anyone have any tips? Il probably have to start a new thread ;)

Since you've been on for almost a year, I would wait minimum 4 weeks after pct to get bloods done and see how your recovery is going.

female hormone panel
Ok so il wait 4 weeks after pct. Yup female hormone panal but the thing that sucks is i gtta drive to another state to a lab corp bc nj and ny require a presciption to draw blood.
Ok so il wait 4 weeks after pct. Yup female hormone panal but the thing that sucks is i gtta drive to another state to a lab corp bc nj and ny require a presciption to draw blood.

That sucks you have to drive out of state but its worth your health. keep us posted!
Guys i have one question. I seem to be doing fine as far as emotionally and im having kick ass workouts. My sex drive is still there. I can still get hard n bust. But my balls have gotten a bit smaller recently. They were tiny when I was on, then the hcg dropped them a bit (not fully but they did drop) and now it seems they arent full to size. They kinda got smaller actually since discontinuing hcg. Is this a perminant side from staying in for so long? And is there any thing I can do to.help them swell up?
The hCG would have bought them back to size (or some size atleast as they did in your case) and it should only be a matter of time before your natural LH production starts stimulating them again to produce. I'd keep at the Torem and see how it goes. It would be interesting to see where your LH/FSH levels are at by the end of the week, getting a blood test will give you an idea of where the Torem if putting your LH levels.

It's been well over a month since your last injection so I think it would be safe to rule out that you aren't running on the exogenous test and the hCG would be out be cleared by now.

Also when you say smaller, like little raisins ? Considdering tt's been 11 months since they were at normal size you should expect to give it some time, you may have forgotten what normal size is, mine are usually like 2 big sized grapes (pre-TRT/on Clomid PCT) but everyone is different.