pct after 11 months on test

Do guys who blast and cruise use hcg during their blast and cruise at all? Same for the guys on trt? Would it be pointless to use hcg if you never plan to come off?
trt now, I used to just use pre-contest and then come off completely.
I find now at my age its a losing battle to keep making gains.
Why wait 3 weeks? And how much nolva clomid should I run

Wait 3 weeks because clomid/nolva are more effective when test levels have nearly flatlined... Clomid at 50mg, nolva at 40mg for 45 days (I say 45 days instead of 30 because of the duration u were on)

Expect your libido to take a holiday for 2-3 months
Wait 3 weeks because clomid/nolva are more effective when test levels have nearly flatlined... Clomid at 50mg, nolva at 40mg for 45 days (I say 45 days instead of 30 because of the duration u were on)

Expect your libido to take a holiday for 2-3 months

Which pct is better? ^^ that one ^^ or something like nolva 40/40/20/20/20 clomid 100/50/50/50/50 . My last test injection was 10 days ago. I started hcg 2days ago im doing 1000iu eod I have 10 shots of hcg so il finish the bottle then wait 3-4 days n start SERMS. Trying to figure out a proper SERM dosage tho.....
This Thursday will be 14 days from my last test injection. I started hcg at 1000iu eod and so far I've takin 3 shots. I'm going to finish the bottle so I have 7 shots left of hcg. Then wait 3 days and start nolva n clomid. I just received my nolva n clomid from chem 1. My balls dropped a little bit so far.
id drop the nolva.

for pct i run clomid 50/50/50/50/20/20 and torem 100/100/100/100/50/50

i know this works cuz when i blow my missus says "wtf did you just piss on me"
Ok so i did some research and im leaning toward a toremifene / clomid pct. I have no source for torem. If someone could hook me up with a source for torem id greatly appreciate it. Just PM me. What dosage would u guys reccomend for torem after a blast cruise for 11months
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I'd f*cking blast HCG for 14 days at 2000IU EOD after last pin, then start serm protocol 4 days later. Id use clomid and dex and low dose aromasin (since its been shown to boost natty test levels). Get a natty test booster like DAA and maybe an OTC PCT like Unleashed. I would take the serms for 6 weeks since you have been shut down for a long ass time. Best of luck. Mine was 20 weeks and I did this (minus the 2000IU EOD) and Im g2g.
Ok so il check put them sites. Is any of those sites ^^^ better than the other in regaurds to there TOREMIFENE?? So ive been doing some research on torem dosages and it I was thinking I should do something like this.. 120 for 3 days / 100 for 3 days / 80 for 7 days / 60 for 7 days / 30 for 3 weeks. Thats a six week plan. Il run this along with clomid 100/50/50/50/25/25. What u guys think?
Rui seems to have the best overall quality but its pretty pricey. PP has really nice prices and a lot of people to back up their quality as well. Rui has always been good to me and my friend got some clen from PP and its deff legit... he's shaking like a mofo. Your torem dosage looks good. You could prob just go 120 for the first week then keep on with what you wrote. Maybe taper down to 15mg Torem for the last to minimize rebound. I don't have much experience with clomid. My PCT was Torem and nolva. I Replaced the clomid with torem bc of sides.
There's also Triptorelin, but I never tried it myself so I cannot vouch for it. Couple of guys on here have used it and liked it though.