pct after 11 months on test

Theyrea little smaller than golf balls. But they used to hang lower and be a bit bigger and denser. Im not going to get any bloodwork until 4 weeks after pct. I feel great. Like not being on test great :( not swoled up great :( but considering the potential sides i could be facing i feel great. Im still motivated. I did legs yesterday n today my legs look really good solid strong and full. Lets put it this way..theres a blizzard here in NJ now and i have ebery excuse not to go to gym. But im going. Lol no days off?
Golf balls lol?

No homo, but if you wear jockeys/are cold you will find the sack won't always hang low, have a shower and tell me they don't hang low. They drop and rise due to temperature not just whether or not they are working as a means for the body to keeping the nuts cool. The main point is that you are feeling well, no doubt if you were running Clomid you would be having the worlds biggest bitch about your balls. You have to understand your boys have had a long 11 months of being dormant, they will come back. Focus on the fact you are feeling pretty good for a bloke who just came off an 11 month cycle with no hCG during.

Hang in there man (lol no pun intended), they should be back to their normal size in time just stop being so paranoid and checking them every two seconds check them in a weeks time, get a good look now and leave it, just stick with the PCT and give it time my friend.

I'd be alarmed if you were feeling like shit, not feeling the way you describe ;)