PCT - input would be appreciated


New member
I'm just finishing off a 9 week Tren/Mas/Test with Proviron and Var and my results have been good.

I'd like some input on my Planned pct

I have on hand


I've always just ran a 20mg Clomid and a 50mg Nolva a day, but I have also been confused by some local guys to buy into the HCG as PCT. I've done some reading and it seems that I should rather eliminate the HCG from the PCT completely.

Another article I've read is a taper type of dosage with the Nolva, starting at 100mg pd for the 1st week and then jumping down to 50mg the second week for the rest of the 30 day duration. Is this correct?

Lastly, I'd like to run a low 50mg Proviron and 50mg var after PCT, though again, some local guys say I can run it while on PCT, which does not make sense to me. Is there a chance of shutdown on 50mg pd Var?

Thanks for the feedback guys.
I always went with Clomid at 50mg/day for 4 weeks and Nolva at 40mg/day for 2 weeks then 20/day for 2 weeks, but the general consensus on that may have changed. HCG is usually used during the cycle, but I know some guys blast it before PCT, but I wouldn't be able to give you any info on how to do that. It shouldn't be used during PCT however because it is suppressive. I don't know too much about proviron, but last I remember reading is that for some people it isn't suppressive and some people it is (maybe someone with more knowledge on it can help you out better) but I personally wouldn't chance running it during PCT. As for Var, I know that it can be suppressive at as little as 15mg/day (maybe even less) so I wouldn't use that during PCT either, you're better off just focusing on recovering properly from the cycle.
can you share your stats please, age, weight, bf% etc. have you had bloodwork done before/during/after your cycle?
I always went with Clomid at 50mg/day for 4 weeks and Nolva at 40mg/day for 2 weeks then 20/day for 2 weeks, but the general consensus on that may have changed. HCG is usually used during the cycle, but I know some guys blast it before PCT, but I wouldn't be able to give you any info on how to do that. It shouldn't be used during PCT however because it is suppressive. I don't know too much about proviron, but last I remember reading is that for some people it isn't suppressive and some people it is (maybe someone with more knowledge on it can help you out better) but I personally wouldn't chance running it during PCT. As for Var, I know that it can be suppressive at as little as 15mg/day (maybe even less) so I wouldn't use that during PCT either, you're better off just focusing on recovering properly from the cycle.

Thanks for the input. I know Clomid (or is it novla) messes with my vision and makes me emotional as hell. Come to think of it, your dosage sounds similiar to what I've run in the past.

I'll drop the Var and Proviron.
I always went with Clomid at 50mg/day for 4 weeks and Nolva at 40mg/day for 2 weeks then 20/day for 2 weeks, but the general consensus on that may have changed. HCG is usually used during the cycle, but I know some guys blast it before PCT, but I wouldn't be able to give you any info on how to do that. It shouldn't be used during PCT however because it is suppressive. I don't know too much about proviron, but last I remember reading is that for some people it isn't suppressive and some people it is (maybe someone with more knowledge on it can help you out better) but I personally wouldn't chance running it during PCT. As for Var, I know that it can be suppressive at as little as 15mg/day (maybe even less) so I wouldn't use that during PCT either, you're better off just focusing on recovering properly from the cycle.

I second this post, I have to agree that leave any and all AAS out of PCT... it should only be your SERMS, the only exception is aromasin if you have an e2 problem.

I also wouldn't run the var and proviron alone after PCT, even though anavar is mild it is suppressive and should be ran with test unless you're a female.

You should run the hCG through the cycle if you can.
hows the cycle going OP?

The cycle has been good. Though my diet has been a bit of a let down and I can definitely see it in the results. I'm nowhere near as vascular as I usually am. I'm okay with that as this cycle has been a clusterfuck of note regarding my regular gear supply. It's been up and down and now my PCT seems to be delayed by a few days too.

I think while I still have plenty of proviron, var, masteron and test prop left, I'll just run a 100mg EOD test prop until I have the Pct in my hands. It's been bothering me a little though.

So essentially just cutting out the tren and the masteron... or should I do the masteron too for the next few days?
You know your sh1t. Thanks.

You suggest eating beef (fillet/rump/sirloin) over chicken or pork, especially during pct?