PCT opinion for Dymethazine


New member
What's up guys, this is my first post so bear with me here.

I am three weeks in to my Dymethazine (DMZ) PH cycle. Also known as 17beta-hydroxy 2alpha,17, beta-dimethyl 5alpha, -androstan3-on azine. I am running for five weeks at 45 MG ED. Results have been awesome so far, have put on a solid 17 pounds and running it with a 4,500 calorie diet. Sides have been little to none. No anger, a little acne and whatnot but that's all expected. So far, so clean. All lifts have increased thoroughly, and currently really enjoying my run in with this product.

So now here is why I came here, I need some opinions on what to do PCT wise. Now, before you flame, I have done my research and have everything I need on-deck. The product came with an OTC PCT called "Xtreme PCT" made by Anabolic Technologies. It features some natural test booster such a Tribulus, liver guard (Milk Thistle), heart guard, and an *ANTI- ESTROGEN* known as 6, 17 keto etiocholeva-3-ol 3, 17 ketoetiochol-triene (75 MG). The company recommends that you follow up your DMZ cycle with 30 days of three capsules a day (that would be 225 MG of the anti-estrogen daily.

SO HERE IS MY CONCERN: it does not recommend a SERM for PCT. Being it a PH, DMZ shuts you down hard, and I am trying to keep as many gains as possible. So this seems illogical, regardless I have both Nolva and Clomid in my possession. So I want your opinion. Should I run solo the OTC PCT (have two friends who did this, and kept optimal gains) with NO SERM, or should I run SERM alongside OTC PCT at 30/30/30/30 or 60/60/30/30? OR completely say f*ck the OTC PCT and just run straight SERM? Please let me know. I am trying to keep as much progress as I can. I am 25 years old, so my rebound should be pretty quick with my natty test.

Thanks so much for reading.
you think I should run both, or would just nolva be safe? I have nolva on deck but would have to buy the colmid off of a buddy.
Can't be too sure with pct...

Agreed, that's why I've been pondering using the OTC PCT with Nolva at 60/60/30/30 just because the OTC does have a pretty solid AI, liver guard, and decent test booster in it (even though I believe DMZ is non-aromatizing, or very close to it)
Run a serm
Oct pct's products DO NOT WORK
Sorry but it's the truth and anyone that will tell you other wise is full of shit you need a serm protocol and depending on the compounds you ran you might need hcg
nova/clom Daa throw the rest out
Train low volume high weight during pct
Clomid for sure. 50/50/25/25
DAA would be a great thing to throw in as well

Anything else is unnecessary, but feel free to guzzle down any and all "natty test boosters"!