New member
Hey guys! So i realized i posted this question in the totally wrong section lol so figured id try in the correct section and see if i can get answers ! To sum it up, i fucked up as a kid..started too young at 20...i know bad mistake
but cant change the past. And yes ive always took breaks and PCT and came off for on average of 8-10 weeks
Currently coming off a pretty lengthy 7 month test E cycle. About 5 months at 750mg week and the last two months at 125mg a week. Im going onto my 7th week being off. Started Clomid + Nolva 14 days after my last injection & 5,000IU HCG prior to coming off. 50mg clomid + 25mg Nolva ED...just recently dropped clomid to 25mg a day.
My question is, i dont plan to run 'crazy cycles' anymore or really even run high test cycles either..i like how i look & how my skin looks at lower doses of test anyway. I always knew when im older (tegardless of ever starting cycles or not) id always be on a TRT bc who wants low test only concern would be having kids. Is that something that cycling low dose test for periods of time with 8-12 wk breaks every so often would prohibit one to have? I know the only way is BW, im getting my insurance back soon but hoping for some input beforehand. Clomid just makes me feel wayy too sensitive and irritable and tired. My sex drive is still going hard, my gains are all being kept (as good as possible). Still have high intense workouts. But the moody & "cloudy brain" feeling i get on PCT always makes it seem staying on low test is better for my body? If i mentally didnt feel this way on PCT id have no issue staying off for longer..
What are your thoughts? How long do you guys usually break in between cycles for? Does anyone else experience "cloudy brain" fatigue irritability on PCT ? If so are there ways to deal with it?

Currently coming off a pretty lengthy 7 month test E cycle. About 5 months at 750mg week and the last two months at 125mg a week. Im going onto my 7th week being off. Started Clomid + Nolva 14 days after my last injection & 5,000IU HCG prior to coming off. 50mg clomid + 25mg Nolva ED...just recently dropped clomid to 25mg a day.
My question is, i dont plan to run 'crazy cycles' anymore or really even run high test cycles either..i like how i look & how my skin looks at lower doses of test anyway. I always knew when im older (tegardless of ever starting cycles or not) id always be on a TRT bc who wants low test only concern would be having kids. Is that something that cycling low dose test for periods of time with 8-12 wk breaks every so often would prohibit one to have? I know the only way is BW, im getting my insurance back soon but hoping for some input beforehand. Clomid just makes me feel wayy too sensitive and irritable and tired. My sex drive is still going hard, my gains are all being kept (as good as possible). Still have high intense workouts. But the moody & "cloudy brain" feeling i get on PCT always makes it seem staying on low test is better for my body? If i mentally didnt feel this way on PCT id have no issue staying off for longer..
What are your thoughts? How long do you guys usually break in between cycles for? Does anyone else experience "cloudy brain" fatigue irritability on PCT ? If so are there ways to deal with it?