Pct problem any advice after test/tren cycle


New member
Just came of a test/tren cycle

Was quite a big one so wasn't expecting a completely smooth pct however ran Adex and caber through out cycle came of cycle waited two weeks ran hcg for the two weeks then onto clomid 100mg Nolva 40 for a week then dropped to 50/20 on week three now and still can't get hard... Any advice?

Iv bought more hcg and doing to do 750iu e3d for three weeks while on clomid and Nolva then run Nolva again for two weeks after

Also bought horny goat weed, zma , d-acid as a natural test booster

Anything im missing?
Was it tren eth or ace?? Also what type of test? prop cyp or eth? If you did tren eth test eth or cyp or both of those they may still be in your system for a while depending on how long you were on cycle. Also were you running hcg throughtout your cycle?
Yeah I understand that hcg will reduce my natural levels however im using it to kick start my test that's why I'm running clomid and Nolva after I do it.

Hcg will suppress your testosterone so not a good idea to use at this point. Test is already out of your system if you waited 2 weeks before you started your pct. I would recommend staying couple more weeks on clomid/nolva at the same 50/20 dosage and meantime get some cialis. Goodluck.
Hcg will suppress your testosterone so not a good idea to use at this point. Test is already out of your system if you waited 2 weeks before you started your pct. I would recommend staying couple more weeks on clomid/nolva at the same 50/20 dosage and meantime get some cialis. Goodluck.

Does hcg not work by suppressing you LH levels which forces your body to produce more test?

Il know next time to run hcg through cycle however anyone gt any idea on how long il be shut down for ?
pretty sure the OP said he ran hcg for a couple weeks, then began clomid... not at the same time

to the OP... I'd just suggest sticking with the plan (50mg clomid, 20mg nolve ed for 4-6 weeks)... then it'll just be a waiting game, sometime can take months before your libido is even near normal, and in some cases it doesn't come back... but hey, that's a risk that can happen
pretty sure the OP said he ran hcg for a couple weeks, then began clomid... not at the same time

to the OP... I'd just suggest sticking with the plan (50mg clomid, 20mg nolve ed for 4-6 weeks)... then it'll just be a waiting game, sometime can take months before your libido is even near normal, and in some cases it doesn't come back... but hey, that's a risk that can happen

Aslong as it works soon il be happy ha