Pct required from Test E/Var


New member
I'm just about to start my newest cycle, 12 weeks of test E (500mg/week) and then start var from weeks 5-11 (50mg/day).

Now for pct unfortunately all I have is nolva, I know everyone here strongly suggests using both, but my main supplier has gone dark on me and not answered me in weeks so I'm not able to get clomid unfortunately. Would doing 40/20/20 of nolva starting week 14 (14 days after last Test E inject as according to 3J's sticky) suffice?

No, 3 weeks of nolva is not a full PCT. There are a few sponsors here who carry clomid, such as RUI. 4 weeks of nolva and clomid, starting 3 weeks after last pin not 2. nolva 40/40/20/20 clomid 50/50/50/50.
As said, get Clomid and Nolva. PCT is the last place you want to cheap out on. RUI ha sa banner ad at the top of your screen
Sorry, on mobile so I couldn't see it. I'll get the clomid, it's on sale at the moment as well. Is what Jozi said an accurate pct amount/timescale?