pec injections


New member
decided to try a new site for injections, and went for the pecs this time. i've got no problems w/quads, delts, or glutes, but pecs were fucking agony!!!! perhaps because i hit chest pretty hard yesterday? any others have similar experiences?
i've been told chest is incredibly sensitive... alot of nerve endings or something... I would steer clear in the future if you've experienced that much pain
oh, believe me, i plan on it! i've read other threads where some complain the same way about quad injections....must be one of those things that vary by person.
yea pecs sucked, i only tried it once. the weird part is that after the inject i got gyno symptoms way worse on that nipple than the other a couple days later, it made my nip about 1.5 times larger than it should be and it still hasnt gone back to normal. so I will say stay away from pecs.
Personaly I have had no issues with pec injects. I was worried at first but after the first shot evrything was fine. I usually had less pain then I do with legs or glutes. I have used up to 3ml in one pec. I definatley would avoid injecting after a intense chest workout.
how can you reach the traps? is it possible to aspirate by yourself? i can barely reach my neck and traps, nevermind pinning and aspirating.
estray said:
Pecs suck. Try lats or tris with a smaller needle.
did the first pec with a 23g, then switched to a 25g for the second....think i'll just stick to other areas!
pecs arn't bad for me as long as I use a 25G. I hate doing delts and I hate quads even worse. They are very tight, and do not have a any fat on them. Haha, try biceps then tell me is the pecs hurt. I never did tris, because I can't reach em. Lats are a great spot, but don't miss.
even with the 25g, it seems like it took so much more effort to get the pin in......the once it was in i got a few spasms. never got those with any other site.