peptide trial run


New member
Frag 176-191 300 mcg E/D week 1-2
Anavar 50mg E/D week 2-3
Nolva PCT
CJC-1295 E/D weeks 3-4

Diet: Timed Carb to avoid insulin near dosing t

Starting @ 195 lbs 13% bf

looking to cut down low say 7-8%

What do you guys think?
Will these chemicals help me reach this goal?
u know i already told u this when we were talking, but if u want to do aas u should do a full cycle with post cycle therapy (pct). And there should be testosterone in this cycle. Also, 2 weeks of anything really wont do anything, especially anavar, so i would invest the money u were going to spend on the anavar on clen or albuterol from rui.
oops sorry for some reason didnt see the nolvadex. Anyways if $ is the deciding factor i would swap the var out for test p and Winstrol (winny), the results will be better
That cycle just sounds like it was thrown together. You need to give your body time to gain and then time to adjust to the gains. Running 2 weeks of one thing then switching to another just isn't enough time. I also agree. Test should be the base of every cycle.(and it takes more then 2 weeks for it to work) keep studying.
That cycle won't do anything for you. Thats not enough time to let the compounds work. Why would anyone do 12 week cycles if two weeks was good enough. Two weeks of all of those are a waste of money and not worth putting in your body. Drop the var and get some test or just stick to the peptides but even they need to be run a lot longer to see a desired effect. I really don't see your point in this. It's a horrible plan. Test p for 8 to 10 weeks or even E or C is a much better idea.
I hear what youre saying. To me however it seems to defy all conventional wisdom. When you take caffeine or other compounds like clen or ephedra you want to limit your time on. There is a break in theses cycles. In my understanding the break is to give yourself time to recover and clear your receptors so the compound can function with maximum efficiency next time you use it. What you're telling me though is that this doesn't apply here and that's not gelling with me.
I hear what youre saying. To me however it seems to defy all conventional wisdom. When you take caffeine or other compounds like clen or ephedra you want to limit your time on. There is a break in theses cycles. In my understanding the break is to give yourself time to recover and clear your receptors so the compound can function with maximum efficiency next time you use it. What you're telling me though is that this doesn't apply here and that's not gelling with me.

What in the hell are you talking about? :scratchhe

When people run test. (which should be the basis of ALL cycles) they run them for 8 week to even 16 weeks. If you ran it for 2 weeks not only are you throwing away money you wont see any results. Do some research. Look to the guys that have been here for awhile. They know what they are talking about.

Sure you need a break between cycles. You also need a good PCT.

You've got some reading to do......
I have no comment for your opinion on roids. Because the basis of my cycle is peptide hormones. These function differently than your conventional steroid. You do some reading. The var is just something that's taking up space in my medicine cabinet that I want to eliminate.
If your not going to listen then just do it and post your results after your two week cycle. You asked what people think and they anwered. Im not trying to be a dick but do your own research and reading yourself if your not hearing what you like.
Jman: If you are trying to do something with peptides, you are going to have to research them a little more. The manufacturers will tell you that you can take more than one during the same cycle, but split up between a couple hours. The 2 weeks, this 2 weeks that way of thinking wouldn't be effective like you think. The frag you can stay on, from what I have read, all year long really. Its just a chain of like 15 amino acids. No need to cycle this on and off really. I just did it for 6 weeks to check it out, but in reality you can stay on for longer. I don't think you will see much from a shorter usage of it. The CJC1295 is often combined with GHRP6 during a cycle for desirable results. Not sure the length of time you can run this, but probably 4-6 weeks. You will have to research for dosing, etc... Its recommended for example that IGFLR3 be cycled 4 weeks on 4 weeks off.

Overall, I think you need to get a better understanding of peptides, dosing, length of cycles, etc... before proceeding to do any. No such thing as knowing everything, Do more research. Your planned 'cycle' should be scrapped and start over with a new outlook. It helps to know what you want to achieve, what tools available you can use to get you there, and which ones you will actually use. Plan, build, execute.
Thanks for the Criticism

I will have to do more research. Sometimes it is hard to separate opinion from fact, so I'm going to look at medical journals, case studies and the sort to find some good info. One again thanks for the criticism.
I hear what youre saying. To me however it seems to defy all conventional wisdom. When you take caffeine or other compounds like clen or ephedra you want to limit your time on. There is a break in theses cycles. In my understanding the break is to give yourself time to recover and clear your receptors so the compound can function with maximum efficiency next time you use it. What you're telling me though is that this doesn't apply here and that's not gelling with me.

Since i know you outside of this forum, i am going to rag on you a little bit but it is only for your own good. You have a tendency to make jumps from one thing to another, and you cannot mix "conventional wisdom" with science. Above you made a jump from clenbuterol dosing protocols to steroids, and the jump doesn't work. Clen works best 2 weeks on 2 off because of the tolerance you build to it and the time off stops your thyroid from shutting down. This doesnt apply to aas. You will begin shutting down to some degree after beginning your cycle, and a 2 week cycle would create an anabolic environment for 2 weeks followed by post cycle therapy (pct) shutdown for the following week, where you would lose any gains you made (if any at all). People run cycles of 12 weeks because it allows them to ideally keep the gains made in the first 6 to 8 weeks. If you run a 4 week cycle and experience serious shutdown you may lose 3 and a half weeks gains and be left with a 2.5lb increase on the bench press, which is why the standard cycle is 10 to 16 weeks.

Now another jump that was made in your post was about clearing the receptors. Not all hormones work at a receptor. Correct me if i am wrong, but hgh does not work on receptors, and thus neither does the 176-191 so that was a jump made from aas to hgh, and it doesnt work.

I also understand your "pussy" cycle (thats what im ragging on you about lol) is because you are extremely cautious about what you put into your body, and i respect that. All i am trying to say is pussyfooting around with aas is not a good idea because even if you dont make good gains while on you will still lose strength coming off and may be left with nothing but an empty wallet. Now for the peptides taking too little is not so much an issue, you may not notice anything but i doubt there will be a shutdown period.

The honest truth about your cycle is it probably wont mess you up, and it probably wont do too much of anything. I dont see anything other than the var being counterproductive.
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