Peptides effect


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Can peptides like Sermorelin&GHRP -2 have an effect of feeling tired, run down , headache ,low energy? Any one ?
What sort of effect do you mean? As in peptides help a headache? Cause a headache? Etc?

Take care,
Never heard of it before. Maybe back down the dosage a bit? Every lab rat is a little different. :)
Yes they can being tired can be from the gh release but most symptoms you mention can also be linked to blood sugar levels. Some peptides can temporarily raise your bp.
Yeah, lab rat s been on 100mcg of Sermorelin &100 mcg Ghrp-2 for about 3 weeks . And poor rat seems tired all of the time and gets headaches :( rat was hoping to get all the positive things from this combo, but so far there's nothing positive yet , not even better sleep ! Bad product maybe ?
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Hmmm... did you have this problem before with any other labs peptides? Or is this a first run?

If it is a first run try doing less dosing for your rat and see if that helps. (like if your at 3x a day do 2) Or if your at 100mcg back it down to 50mcg and see if that helps.
No problem, if you don't mind me asking what lab was it that you used? May spare some others from the same problems.
Toshiro, I d rather not name the company since it's one of the popular one s , you understand ... Bashing and all. I thought these peps were suppoused to do the opposite of what my rat is experiencing , Very confusing :( fatigue, headaches daily !
Really? Because I ve always heard these peps are known to generate sense of well being, increased energy, deep sleep and things like that ?
Toshiro, I d rather not name the company since it's one of the popular one s , you understand ... Bashing and all. I thought these peps were suppoused to do the opposite of what my rat is experiencing , Very confusing :( fatigue, headaches daily !

I can certainly understand why you would rather not say. I have read that fatigue is common for some lab rats. Meathead is on point with that.

My rats are doing quite well with ipamorelin and CJC1295 (no DAC). No real fatigue with that combination that I can tell.
So, does it eventually go away ? And when does the positive effect kick in ? Thanks

Not really, you just get used to it. Better looking skin, increase in appetite, and better sleep came to me within a few weeks. It is best used for at least 6 months to get more of the long term benefits of it.
Since Sabas is only at 1 x a day could the dosage just be cut in half. Reduce down from 100mcg to 50mcg? Or will that not make a difference and the sleepy bug will still be around?
Since Sabas is only at 1 x a day could the dosage just be cut in half. Reduce down from 100mcg to 50mcg? Or will that not make a difference and the sleepy bug will still be around?

This dose would be worthless and those doses just 1x a day arn't going to do a whole lot. Better increasing the ghrp and dosing 3x a day.
So if you can increase the GHRP and still do 3x a day is it the GHRH that gives the fatigue sides then? (just curious)