Performed an interesting experiment.


New member
I helped some buddies make up some test prop at 2/20 on the solvents. They're all bitching and moaning about the soreness, saying I used too much solvent. So to shut them up, I decided to make up 10cc of a sterile injectable that was comprised of grapeseed oil, 10%BA and 20%BB. I injected 2cc of it yesterday in my quad and I'm perfectly fine today, no limping or anything. Just the usual slight soreness that comes with doing an IM shot, nothing uncomfortable though. So I guess this proves that it's the test prop itself causing the pain, not the solvents.
well.... i could have tolkd ya that. i have injected straight ba and then bb just to see for my self. painless.

DougoeFre5h said:
Straight BA...painless. I attest.
Straight BB...painless, again I agree
PullinBig's 300lbs.... WOW that shit hurt.

damn dude, that must have been bad.

I've seen some guys injecting painless 200mg/ml Prop...house1

I wanted to kill him as I was limping like a damn cripple for 3 days after I injected my 100mg/ml. I basically threw out 99ml's of the shit. That's what it was worth to me.. SHIT. Well, $6 in powder.... :D
Easto said:

I've seen some guys injecting painless 200mg/ml Prop...house1

I wanted to kill him as I was limping like a damn cripple for 3 days after I injected my 100mg/ml. I basically threw out 99ml's of the shit. That's what it was worth to me.. SHIT. Well, $6 in powder.... :D

damn, i would hate to see 99ml go to waste. it is my favorite test. Why not just try 75 or 50. may make all the difference.
Easto said:

I've seen some guys injecting painless 200mg/ml Prop...house1

I wanted to kill him as I was limping like a damn cripple for 3 days after I injected my 100mg/ml. I basically threw out 99ml's of the shit. That's what it was worth to me.. SHIT. Well, $6 in powder.... :D

Man you're a sissy!! LOL

Hey, did you try another shot anywhere else or just give it up after the quad shot. Some hormones (deca, high conc test) in my quads are pretty bitey, but in my delts, or glutes, they are fine. Just curious.
Easto said:

I've seen some guys injecting painless 200mg/ml Prop...house1

I wanted to kill him as I was limping like a damn cripple for 3 days after I injected my 100mg/ml. I basically threw out 99ml's of the shit. That's what it was worth to me.. SHIT. Well, $6 in powder.... :D

You pansy. I'd shoot that shit in my calves and smile.

Quads and Bi

Fuck man, it's only $6. Less than a to Burger King for me. There is no way I was going to shoot that shit ED or EOD and limp around like a gimp. I figured I would check it as a loss and never use prop again. It was my first and last time.

I'm happier with Enan anyways.

I may still have it laying around.. If anyone wants it... They can have the shit!!!

BASTARDS!!! :D :D :D :D :D
Mr. dB said:
So you started with two of the most painful injection sites? What's wrong with glutes and delts?

Quads cause me the least discomfort in the long run. It's my favorite spot. Go figure. But then again, alpha males like me don't feel pain like you normal people do.
bleachcola said:
Quads cause me the least discomfort in the long run. It's my favorite spot. Go figure. But then again, alpha males like me don't feel pain like you normal people do.

I'm just the opposite. The injection goes smoothly enough, since it's such an easy spot to reach, but any lingering pain from the ester is more obtrusive to me in the quad than just about anywhere else. It interferes more with my day-to-day function.
Mr. dB said:
So you started with two of the most painful injection sites? What's wrong with glutes and delts?

I couldn't reach my glutes if my life depended on it.

Quads don't usually hurt me and I like that fact that I can use 2 hands.