New member
I googled it and looked to it a little but, just looking for something to take for good gains. Been at a plateau for 4 months now, changed up my training and adjusted my diet to. When I did take that PH I made good gains and heard wonders bout HDrol. Only factor as said before dont wanna piss hot for military and my police officer job. You personally tried S4? Would like to study someone's cycle they did themselves. Thanks for all the help and guideance here
I ran osta and S4 together (I have ran them seperate also). I absolutely hated S4 and dropped it after 5 weeks. I was really sensitive to the vision side effects. I started at 50mg/ed split in 2 dosage. Then I tapered it to 5 on and 2 off. I gave it up after 4 weeks but continued my osta for the 8. S4 was great for hardening up and vascularity. Osta is great for strength and it's very anabolic -- run some of that and gain some size then cut down.