PH with small gyno case


Don't be outworked
Hear me out on this. I have a small case of gyno. Basically puffy nipples and a small lump behind, but not sensitive. I wanted to know if I should take a pro still, I'd take aromasin during the whole cycle and I'd post with clomid and novadex. What do you think?

6'2, 215, 11.8% bf. 3 years consistent training
Hear me out on this. I have a small case of gyno. Basically puffy nipples and a small lump behind, but not sensitive. I wanted to know if I should take a pro still, I'd take aromasin during the whole cycle and I'd post with clomid and novadex. What do you think?

6'2, 215, 11.8% bf. 3 years consistent training

DO NOT take anything with a low androgenic profile. No superdrol, no epistane etc...

You sound like you would be a great candidate for AndroHardv3 which is purely an androgenic compound that converts into 3a, 5a androstandiol --> DHT.

DHT is actually shown ins studies to help reduce gyno (NOT obliterate) just reduce the mass.

So if you wanted to use the harsher methyl steroids above (not Ph's, those are steroids) you would be wise to balance out the androgenic ratio with Androhardv3

Also if you did not want to tax your organs with methyl ph's you could just stack AH with AndroMassv3 or AndroBulk v3

DO NOT take anything with a low androgenic profile. No superdrol, no epistane etc...

You sound like you would be a great candidate for AndroHardv3 which is purely an androgenic compound that converts into 3a, 5a androstandiol --> DHT.

DHT is actually shown ins studies to help reduce gyno (NOT obliterate) just reduce the mass.

So if you wanted to use the harsher methyl steroids above (not Ph's, those are steroids) you would be wise to balance out the androgenic ratio with Androhardv3

Also if you did not want to tax your organs with methyl ph's you could just stack AH with AndroMassv3 or AndroBulk v3


Thanks, I'll most likely take that route
Thanks, I'll most likely take that route

Of course. Just make sure to always get your "androgenic value" increased enough to offset any potential problem with gyno issues.

If you did decided to to Superdrol or halodrol etc...use them short duration....2-3 weeks. Androhard and other andro products can be used safely for 8 weeks
