Pharmaceutical vs UGL


New member
Here's the deal I will be starting my first Test cycle within the next 2 weeks (Blood work). But I have been helping several of my friends with there cycles, 2 of which are not first timers. One thing that has really stuck out to me was the amount of debilitating PIP that a couple of them have had with the pharmaceutical grade deca, tren, or test (Kalpa and Euro chem) vs absolutely no PIP with a couple different UGL's. The UGL's are legit and the results are showing it. Now I know that tren can be tough but the deca and test are suprising (in my limited knowledge).

My point is that I have access to both pharma and ugl right now. And it seems obvious that one would want to use the pharma grade stuff because it is real deal, but I am honestly leaning towards the UGL for my first cycle because of my observations. I want to train, not limp around for 3 days till my next shot and limp the other way for another 3 days.

Can any of you experienced guys shed some light on this? Any info is greatly appreciated, thanks.
lol pharmaceutical grade tren... really

So two items in play here, virgin muscle is the main cause, shit just hurts no way around it and some people complain more than others
amount of BA used as a solvent, too much causes tissue to be destroyed and that would hurt
I hate to break it to you but, there is no such thing as "Pharma" Tren. I see large UGL claiming this but there has never been an FDA approval for Tren. Also, keep in mind the vast majority of the Pharma grade stuff is totally fake.....making it UGL
Not sure why you think its pharm grade, there is no such thing as pharm Tren, the closest you will get to pharm Tren is the cattle implants. When you talk about pharm grade gear it would be labs like schering, bayer, organon, etc.. Someone please correct me if I am wrong but Euro Chem and Kalpa are both UGLs.
Pssst, just because a lab has the word pharmaceutical in their name doesn't make them pharmaceutical HUMAN grade gear. :p The only real big difference I've seen between Watson/Paddock (US Pharma) and UGL stuff is the cost! Pharmacies charge an arm and a leg!
Not sure why you think its pharm grade, there is no such thing as pharm Tren, the closest you will get to pharm Tren is the cattle implants. When you talk about pharm grade gear it would be labs like schering, bayer, organon, etc.. Someone please correct me if I am wrong but Euro Chem and Kalpa are both UGLs.

Euro Chem is definitely UGL but its products (that I have used) are (like tigre81 said) on pharmaceutical grade.
oh man guys. I know virgin muscle is at play. But it is a few of my buddies and the PIP is worse with the more experienced guys. I just have been paying attention to them and they have several different sources that THEY use.

I wasn't aware about tren. Good to know, but I do not see that in my future for a long time at the very least.

So needless to say is that i feel like a dick head. But I thought the Euro chem was actually legit shit. But anyways this ass chewing has definitely helped me make up my mind. I know the product that I will be using now, for sure. Thanks guys
Wasn't meant as an ass chewing it was meant to educate you, just because its UGL doesn't mean its not gtg or legit. I prefer many of the ugls because pharm grade is so faked you gotta know your shit and trust your source when buying HG gear
how would one determine if a so called pharma is actually pharma rather than a big UGL?

is the following a true pharma?
dragon (not brithish dragon)
probably not a good idea to post those here, HD better just look em and research for yourself brother. There are so many legit ugl's out there with great reviews. The best thing you can do is hang out and make friends here. I have used several ugl's and a few of them do put hg on there labels. Not really sure how they justify/clarify that but they print it