Pharmancy Grade Cycle - Lower Dose than recommended ?


New member
I plan to do exactly the recommended plan here:

I get all meds by my doc. So everything is top quality and test e contains really 500mg.

Since many vets here use ulab roids, my worries are that you potentially used under-dosed or low-potent testosterone. So you used maybe 400mg / week instead of 500.

Shall I better use 350-400mg / week ? (pharmacy grade !)
Since many vets here use ulab roids, my worries are that you potentially used under-dosed or low-potent testosterone. So you used maybe 400mg / week instead of 500.

Shall I better use 350-400mg / week ? (pharmacy grade !)

I guess many vets here already know where to get good gear which is what it should be ...
yea, ok, then I will do it in a few weeks, currently at 11% (measured) bodyfat, hope to get under 10 in 4 weeks.