PHs are legal correct?


New member
I'm sure everyone thinks this is a stupid question.

However, I remember trying Andro back in the day for like a month. Then like a year later Mark McGuire says he uses it. Next thing I know, all forms of andro are off the shelves.

I had thought all forms of PHs were made illegal after that bullshit with McGuire and the media blowing it out of proportion? However, I get the impression from this site and the supplement companies that I missed something and that PHs are in fact legal.

Please let me know if I'm wrong etc. Thanks.
From my understanding, actual prohormones are legal. In fact, some stores still sell them. A bit of hypocrisy if you ask me, seeing as how they tend to be more dangerous and are converted into steroids by the liver.
Yes they are legal but when a new law enters the books they make the formula illegal then get them off the sites or shelves.Then the makers of them they just tweak the formula of the drug to make it look like its a new formula and thus legal.They do something similar in some states with weed they sell it as incense packets but its like weed gets you just as high they just change the formula so it can be legal.And so on and on.But ya they tend to be more dangerous than the real stuff.
From my understanding, actual prohormones are legal. In fact, some stores still sell them. A bit of hypocrisy if you ask me, seeing as how they tend to be more dangerous and are converted into steroids by the liver.

Yes they are legal but when a new law enters the books they make the formula illegal then get them off the sites or shelves.Then the makers of them they just tweak the formula of the drug to make it look like its a new formula and thus legal.They do something similar in some states with weed they sell it as incense packets but its like weed gets you just as high they just change the formula so it can be legal.And so on and on.But ya they tend to be more dangerous than the real stuff.

Thanks for the info guys!

Is it only the liver toxicity that makes them more dangerous?
It really depends on what prohormone and what steroid your talking about. A prohormone such as halodrol vs a prohormone like superdrol (believed by many to be a steroid) is going to be a lot different and yield very different side effects
PH are legal however the laws are always changing one year a certain formula is legal and the next it's not the scientist that creat these just change small things in the formula to bypass the laws seems like all the ones that actually work end up banned.
I'm with john, i did the same things years ago. So is a PH like M-stern as bad as or worse than taking test cyp for your body? Are the results (even though they are different) as dramatic? Like john, I'm just trying to understand a little more! Hope I'm not considered thread jacking and pissing john or anyone else off!
Liver toxicity is a problem when it comes to a lot of pro-hormones. Check the main ingredients online. If any of them are 17 aa (17 alpha alkylated) then they are most likely hepatotoxic. For prohormones to work they have to fit specific enzymes in the body that carry hormones through the blood stream. These prohormones have to have the methyl group on the 17th carbon removed for them to fit the corresponding enzymes like the ones that carry test throughout the body.
PH's are way more harsh on the body than running a Test only cycle I've done both many times mostly PH when I was young and stupid but results from a test cycle will be much greater than running a PH alone. general rule of thumb is if your not ready to start pinning with real gear your not ready for PH's. from experience using PH I had crazy bad side cramps and back pumps as opposed to to running an oral on a test cycle had no side effects just my two cents.
It really depends on what prohormone and what steroid your talking about. A prohormone such as halodrol vs a prohormone like superdrol (believed by many to be a steroid) is going to be a lot different and yield very different side effects

Thanks man, sounds like I'll have to do some more in depth checking and find more detailed references for the various PHs.
PH are legal however the laws are always changing one year a certain formula is legal and the next it's not the scientist that creat these just change small things in the formula to bypass the laws seems like all the ones that actually work end up banned.

Damn, so what you're sayin is that most PHs are worthless? Is there a list somewhere of effective legal PHs?
I'm with john, i did the same things years ago. So is a PH like M-stern as bad as or worse than taking test cyp for your body? Are the results (even though they are different) as dramatic? Like john, I'm just trying to understand a little more! Hope I'm not considered thread jacking and pissing john or anyone else off!

No worries man glad to see some other newbs joining in!
PH's are way more harsh on the body than running a Test only cycle I've done both many times mostly PH when I was young and stupid but results from a test cycle will be much greater than running a PH alone. general rule of thumb is if your not ready to start pinning with real gear your not ready for PH's. from experience using PH I had crazy bad side cramps and back pumps as opposed to to running an oral on a test cycle had no side effects just my two cents.

So here's my only argument to that edict....The ONLY reason I'm not ok with pinning, cycling, etc. is the legality of it. I have a particularly sensitive job which can and will test for AAS and will fire me; hence the interest in testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) and/or PHs.
So here's my only argument to that edict....The ONLY reason I'm not ok with pinning, cycling, etc. is the legality of it. I have a particularly sensitive job which can and will test for AAS and will fire me; hence the interest in testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) and/or PHs.

OK well from what I've read, in that situation I believe SARMS is the way to go. (Except legal part). BUT, then again I could be completely wrong. Maybe someone else will chime in that actually knows something. Lol. Its worth checking out anyway. I'm old school and just getting back into it all myself.