Pill vs Liquid


New member
Have any of you guys experienced differences in quality between the tablet or liquids available in the post cycle therapy (pct) chemicals ?

I've always used liquid Nolva, Clomid , A-dex, etc. from the various 'research' companies . The reason I'm questioning this now is I recently became interested in trying Cabergoline.

I noticed quite a difference in price between the tablets I can from one source and the liquid from the research company. The diffrence was substantial so I'm questioning the quality of the liquid vs tablets. I can also get Nolva in tablets from my guy but always went with the liquid because it was easy to get.

I'm wondering now what the majority of you guys are using in your post cycle therapy (pct) - tablets or liquid , and if you've done both, have you noticed a difference in results ?
tabs over liquid any day every day

- some tabs can be more expensive because they are brand name or you're getting ripped off

- if you buy from research companies you're buying meds through a loophole so the business is not built on trust
though its in the companies best interest long term to provide good product

- some chemicals are dosed in mcg which is one of the smallest units used to measure weight so overdosed / underdosed product would not be difficult and could be dangerous

- also who knows what preservatives if any are used in liquid preparations

use your best judgment
Liquid Nolva from Pinnacle?

Agree, prefer tabs too ... BUT, i've got new Nolva liqiud from Pinnacle (20mg/ml).

Never used liquid b4 - is the dropper calibrated? How easy is it to keep dose accurate?

Should I take any food/liquid with the dose?
liquid vs. tablet really depends on a number of factors.

UG vs. Research chem - likely same- prime difference will be testing- which compliance for MIGHT be better with foriegn UG (in truth few of either actually test, can only vouch for 2 companies that do). note- most chinese and indian drugs fall into the "UG" category, though material testing compliance may be higher than with domestic and foriegn UG. India has not been producing quality cabergoline, either they dont have the synthesis down or their handling/tabletting is subpar. Chiral drugs also tend to be issues, if companies are not testing in US or EU based facilities. Chinese and indian testing is usually only low cost HPLC, which is not suitable for chiral compounds generally.

tabs are usually fairly equivalent to AVERAGE liquid suspension. Liquid can be significantly better in this area, particularly some solutions and nano emulsions. if its flavored this generally means zero benefit and likely some stability issues, really want to stay away from flavored chems. Poorly pressed tablets, over pressed or those using bad excipients can pass partly or completly undigested. you may want to chew UG tabs.

some compounds, cabergoline in particular, are not all that stable in solution or suspension. T3 also has similar issues. Clenbuterol has distribution issues and larger batches will tend to produce high concentration and low concentration layering. Of course tabs of clen often have the same issue, as it is generally liquid to tablet manufacture. its all about process with clen and other very low mcg products. There are formulations that can make cabergoline and t3 stable in solution, however none are in use at this time. stick with tabs on those 2.