pink thai's = OMFG


New member
ok, i just finished week 2 of my cycle, its my first time with d-bol and i am running it at 30mg/d along with sus250 twice a week.

now. i have allready gained 10.5 lbs in 2 weeks this is the fastist i have seen gains. i could not believe it today when i got on the scale.

i know my diet is helping me alot, i am takeing in 300g of protein a day and i think its doing wonders... but i just had to post this cause i am amazed at how good these pinks are. i am now a FIRM believer in d-bol now... :D
not that much man, serious. my face has not bloated up yet, that is the best sign on me usually. i am getting alot of mass i can totally see it
Damn I can't wait to start my dbol. I was thinking of doing Russians or thais. Sounds like your having fun bro, and dont worry about the water retention just fuckin grow, good luck
anabolicdragon said:
I hate pink thais didn't gain a pound from them makes me think they may have been fakes. Napoisms are awsome got 400 coming in now.

If you did not gain a pound off the Thais, I guarantee you that they were fake because the Thais are definitley one of the BEST!!!!!
Stpo it guys you guys are making me crazy!!! I can't wait to pop those dbol's. Thai's or Naps are on my grocery list.
I love pink thais as well the pumps are AWESOME I didnt feel I got all that bloated off them I think I bloat more from Deca than I do with dbol
most of the initial gains from dbol are water. What you have to keep in mind though, is that water within the muscle cell is considered LBM... thats why the creatine ads claim 10lbs of LBM gain in 2

So 8lbs of that 10 could be water... although much of it may be intracellular in the muscle and not sub-Q... depends greatly from one person to the next as to how much will be held in each respective area.

Take an Aromatase inhibitor (AI) (aromatase inhibitor) and I garuantee that gain is cut by 75%. Hey, muscle size increase is muscle size increase right?

And yes, thais/naps/russians are all great... given that they are the real deal.
rj420 said:
most of the initial gains from dbol are water. What you have to keep in mind though, is that water within the muscle cell is considered LBM... thats why the creatine ads claim 10lbs of LBM gain in 2

So 8lbs of that 10 could be water... although much of it may be intracellular in the muscle and not sub-Q... depends greatly from one person to the next as to how much will be held in each respective area.

Take an Aromatase inhibitor (AI) (aromatase inhibitor) and I garuantee that gain is cut by 75%. Hey, muscle size increase is muscle size increase right?

And yes, thais/naps/russians are all great... given that they are the real deal.
either way you look at it if you are putting on size that fast your strength should shoot through the roof , if you train balls to the walls with this new strength , the added muscle stimulas from lifting heavier and heavier will cause permanent gains
Hell yea thai's are good. My friend is running a test cycle of enanthate so i know that isnt responsible. 25mg ED with Thai's. He went from benchin 265 at beginning to 355 in 2 weeks. Saw it with my own eyes. Some guys from this board and elite that go to my gym couldnt believe it either. Have any of you seen anything like this? 90lbs on bench in 2 weeks?!
anabolicdragon said:
I hate pink thais didn't gain a pound from them makes me think they may have been fakes. Napoisms are awsome got 400 coming in now.

You must have had fakes bro b/c thais will put weight on you no matter what !
Although gains from Dbol the first few weeks are intially water, I believe the extar intracelluar water leads to actual tissue gains if ran 4-6 weeks. That is one reason why I suggets never to use aromatose inhibitors while on Dbol, because although it may cut some blaot, you are shortchanging your possible gains from the dbol. If you didnt want any bloat run fina instead of dbol. People crack me up, they try to get the best of both worlds. You cant have no blaot on dbol and expect to make gains. This is how the drug works. Same way with anadrol, although aromatose inhibitors wont help with the bloat.
Thais are best...Just got off em 5 days ago.....Gained 14 pounds in 3 weeks off them....Dont forget your anti-e's......