pinned middle quad.....accidentally


New member

has anyone ever pinned there middle quad accidentally and experience severe pip that makes it extremely difficult to walk?

I was trying to hit my vastus lateralis in the car...first time pinning in the car and boy i think i pinned a little too high up(towards the middle).

Limping like shit at work, and yes my office is on the 1st floor so i have to take the stairs every so often.
I usually put my pink finger on the outside of my knee and then extend my thumb towards the outside of my quad. That gets me a general location to pin.
I hope you live in a warm climate and can wear shorts so you didn't have your pants down around your ankles while shooting up.
i usually spread my hand out and make sure my middle finger is resting on my knee cap, then move my hands parallel wit my leg towards my hip. I usually pin where my pinky lands. last few injections were spot except this time i was over confident and just jabbed it anywhere on my outta leg lol.

never doing that again
Haha imagine if someone walked by his car with his pants down to his ankle and a needle

despite how cold it was i was wearing shorts. lol and yes there were ppl walking was in a dark alley type of street and the windows were fogged up so cant seeeeee sheit lol
only worrysome thing is...its been 3 days since the pip started and 4 days since i injected, however the pip hasnt gotten any better or worse. Theres no swelling, redness or warm to touch arghhh so i hope it aint a infection lol