Pinnin 750mg EOD Sust


New member
This is a different animal and my first experience with it. Almost tempted to pin 750mg EOD first wk, 500mg EOD wk.2, 500mg EOD wk.3, then see whats going on when the longer esters kick in. Havent done it yet but just a thought I had about getting the most out of Sust. Personally I find it hard to believe the theory of loosing any ester according to usage/dosage. It just doesnt make sence to me. Could anyone help with this. My thinking is that at 750mg eod, thats 90mg of prop. per pin @ 270mg wk., but when the phenyl and deconate start kickin in looks like way too much.....Is Sust just a bad choice or can you really grow on 100 - 250mg eod?
Thanks Bassmaster, I was going to delete my post due to my lack of knowlege about sust but I see it can't be done.....Thanks for the heads up man. Hope I dont get crusified on this one (lol).
250mg EOD would be 875 a week-im sure you could grow plenty

750mg EOD is a bad idea

Not to sound overly insensitive, but I'd LOVE to see before and after pictures from someone who is shooting 750mg EOD of sust! Yowza!
I would think the sides would not be worth the extra gains you might get.Start with 250 eod...lot of guys grow great(and fast!!) off that pinning protocol.

If you feel up to 300-350 eod and take it from there if you think it's worth it(and can handle the sides).
Thanks everyone, I really appreciate your tolerance of not so good ideas (lol). Although I must admit I loaded up pretty good everyday for the first 5 days (250da) that I am now going to reduce to eod. Just trying to get a good jump from the rip since there was prop. involved and the fact that I had a 2mo vacation from the iron, so I am extreemly sore but that may be a good thing concidering that those poor torn up muscles are bathing in prop right now. If it wasnt for the prop. I would probably be crippled from the intentional muscle devestation of going balls to the wall instead of trying to ease into it. Yeah, I like to experiment (lol).
Not to sound overly insensitive, but I'd LOVE to see before and after pictures from someone who is shooting 750mg EOD of sust! Yowza!

Thanks man, your avatar says it all (lol). Bad idea...... Very appropriate and nice way to say don't do it dumbass (lol). Thanks.

Talk about sore injection sites, both upper right and left quadrants are screamin (lol).
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Not to sound overly insensitive, but I'd LOVE to see before and after pictures from someone who is shooting 750mg EOD of sust! Yowza!

you can !!!

750mgs EOD adds up to roughly 2400mgs /week.

Now look in bodybuilding magazines and realize those champs are on BIGGER dosages than that !!!!!!!!!!!!
for me it would be insane - but how can you keep that enormous amount of fat-free bulk on your bones without ... ??
250 eod is perfect for the first 4 weeks then cut it back to say 500-600mg a week. i say this just because the only ester that will be really working with you is the Test P
it s fast acting theother ester come in to play a little later. the other option is to shoot 500mg of Test p for the firts 3-4 weeks until the sust kicks in and all the ester are active. if i can find the link for slice M i'll post that here he done a good write up on sust.