Pinning TB-500 ask, follow, and learn


New member
Hey all....a little background. I tore my labrum, have couple of problems with my rotary cuff around 8 months ago i tried to rest and work around it nothing helped so i stopped lifting for the past 2 months which feel horrible so i know how you all out there feel when it comes to this anyway:
Loading Phase: 4mg/week for 6 weeks, 3 days a part between each does in the same week.
Maintenance: We will see how the loading phase goes.
I did my first injection today nothing bad thanks god but i felt burning during the injection am doing sub-q, so if anyone has any advice that will help it will be appreciated i will update after every does please feel free to ask anything no matter how stupid it sound am here not just to myself but also to help others (I know how bad it feels when you are injured so as they say share is care :) )
Ok guys here we go today i did the second does nothing to mention yet, but i think am still not good at injecting am losing too much from the liquid needs some time to get it right , still get that burning sensation when i inject but they said this is due to sterile so i ordered bac water hope it will not have the same problem and i may increase the weekly does to 6mg well see how this goes.
I will be following along. I had/am having, a very positive tb500 experience and logged it here also.
Interested to see your progress. Thanks for doing a log.
You welcome bro to be honest you are the one who motivated me to do one :) i read your log it was one of the reasons that i started Tb500, Hope you progress with it. I think am moving to 6 mg a week, what about you what is your does recently, and do you think using IGF with it will help, thank you for passing by my log :) hope you will heal fast.
Ok guys i did my 3rd shot today i know i did two in row but as i said before i lost too much liquid when i inject the first 2, one more thing when i constitute the vial i still loss 10 units i don't know where the rest go lol but am sure nothing left inside the vial ANYWAY:
Now to be honest with you i feel some change but still not sure because as you all know when you are injured for so long you still have your good and bad days but i really feel slightly change for now but cant be sure so i will keep you update with everything as far as i go.
Hey all....ok today i got my 4th pin but actually it can be considered the third one according to how much liquid i lost in the first two.
Anyway now i can say this with no restriction or doubt this stuff is definitely working i don't know what exactly is happening in my shoulder but this stuff is relieving the pain and healing the injury and am pretty sure by the end of the six weeks the injury will be 95% healed if the progress stays the same which i hope to, now i read everything about Tb500 and am sure most of you too, and as everybody here i doubt it in the beginning but as a guy who been with injury for so long almost a year i have no choice but to hope this stuff works and i did start using it for now am not sore as i always do wake up with no pain almost which i was dreaming of for so long, i feel my power is somehow coming back but still not sure so i will keep all of you update it even though i doubt that anybody is following but maybe this post will help somebody some day.
Ok guys .... my 5th pin and everything went smooth, progress is really promising before Tb500, the nagging pain will be almost all day with Tb500 pain is reduced dramatically, still have alittle bit of discomfort but nothing to compare between where i was and where i am right now, i hope the progress will stay the same but am thinking to add some BPC 157, and Curcumin pills cuz i tried my best to search everywhere for injectable one nothing i wish if somebody whom sell it to pm me or something, please guys i would like to know your insight of BPC 157 any help will be appreciated.
Now i saw almost there is 210 views and just two following common guys we are here to share mean give and take it feels awesome when you have many people helping and engaging lol am just saying :).
Nice update. I apologize I missed you IGF question. To be honest I do not have experience with IGF so I really couldnt fairly answer your question.
Glad to hear you are experiencing some befit from the TB ...I hope your progress continues and ill be following.
I have been running IGF-1 LR3 daily for about a week now. Can't tell you how it will help in conjunction with TB-500, but I can tell you what I've observed.

The vascularity on IGF is insane, I seem to be getting leaner despite being on a decently sized calorie surplus and it seems like I should be eating more food! haha. No strength increases. I do get tingly sensations in my shoulders and fingers occasionally since I started, like there is a shortage of blood flow or something.

I pin post-workout. 60mcg subq 45min to an hour after training as I dont like to carry the shit around. More convenience sake than anything. Hope this helps
Hey all ..... ok now i did my sixth pin, .. and ya i increased the dose 6 mg/week ...and even am thinking to increase it to 8 mg/ week.... because i totally agree with the idea that says 4 mg/week is small dose or in other words it depends when you got injured and for how long because i read other people log that they benefit from just 4mg/week but when i search more and tried to make sense out of the whole thing ..finally i came to that conclusion.. but do not take my word as absolute it may vary from one person to another.
Anyway progress is really good less discomfort, and pain is relieved even i start doing some moves which always cause a problem before but this time not at all, of course am still in my third week if you consider taking 6mg/week which i found gives the most benefits so am hoping in the end of my 6th week pain will be completely gone or no more bothering....Hope i could come back to achieve 495lbs on bench press but am keeping myself realistic.

Note: Thank to all who are following and hope everybody will get his injured healed including the people who are not following too :).
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Hey all again.... my 7th pin everything seems promising so far... before if i decided to do push ups, ..after i do it i stays in pain for the rest of the day and am not talking about a 100 push ups am taking about just 10,....Now for the past week am doing push ups spread all over the day with pain that almost zero compare to what i used to have and the pain is just a stiffness pain in my nick and i think that due to me not going to the gym for the past three months so i suppose to warm up and flex before which i did yesterday and there was no pain after push ups.
So am still on my third weeks ...and according to many guys they start seeing the real effect of it around week 3 or 4 ...but am really happy so far at least my hope start to coming back, and hope everybody who are in the same situation will get his health back and move in.
Nice update. I am still amazed at the fact that I can even do an overhead shoulder press cause for MONTHS I couldnt. Now Im amazed how quickly my strength is returning doing so. Keep up the good work and thanks for the diligence with your log!
I have been using tb500 w/ IGF for about 2 months. Took a while for me to notice much improvement, but now even after reinjuring my leg recently, I noticed it felt better within a few days. Before this type of setback would have bothered me for months. I have had my injury for about 4 years with no improvements. In conjunction they seem to be helping. I inject it in the injured area. Good luck with your continuing health!
Sorry all for being late....well i did my 8 and 9 pins, all what i can say for now that tb500 helped a lot with my pain and injury..... ya i still have some pain but it is almost zero if you compare it with what i used to have....also i just finished my third week so am just half way through still 3 weeks to go .... i will start IGF this week and see how that will work 80 mcg/day, i will come back to gym in my 6 week i will not risk all that improvement by being idiot and impatient, i will start slowly and lead my way.
Thank you Fatjason83 for your insight and also thank you Jimi for your support.
Ok guys did my 10th pin usual everything went smooth...also i pinned my 80mcg IGF thing i need to mention and it is very important inject close to the area helps way much more than normal injection in the belly,...especially for those who been injured for quiet long time and that is my personal experience not to be taken as absolute because i read about many people got the benefit from just normal injection in the belly...but for me i think close to the injury give better results..... improvement is so far good i did not go to the gym so i don't know what will happen after i go for real workout but am sure it is promising because even for daily life activity i used to have a lot of pain and bothering but right now it is really nothing compare with what i used to have. I will keep all of you updated even after my 6th week to see where i will end up lol. peace all.
Hey all .....sorry for not updating on the 11 pin but it was super busy......Anyway as usual did my pin progress is slow but steady feel good even though still have some pain but i think it is going away step by step slowly hope by the ending of the 6 weeks it will be minimum ....i will keep you update though with any progress.
Nice update! Thanks.
Im personally convinced that tb is the real deal. Im glad it seems to be helping you too.
Hi bro Jimi,
Hope you doing well. i just have one question please through the process of healing which mean through the 6 weeks phase what kind of feeling did you have in the injured area (do you feel like it tickles inside ..not exactly ...but like etching tickle) and when did you start to feel pain free thank you for your time.
Hey Guys so sorry am not updating fast enough anyway did my 12, 13 pin everything same same slow and steady did couple of push ups around the days pain is not near what i use to have before and actually it is not the same pain so i dont know but definitly tb helped a lot anyway am also taking Igf and i will add cjc without dac + Ghrp-2 to it i heard a lot of guys having a great results from this combo but you need to be patient am trying to find Curcuim injection one not able to find it if anyone welling to help in this please you can pm me, soon i will put my protocols for all what am taking and i will keep this log up for them hope it will benefit you guys thank you.