Pinning TB-500 ask, follow, and learn

Hey all... sorry for not updating regularly anyway i pinned my 14.15.16 all as usual slow and steady. I still have some pain in the back of my shoulder but nothing compare to what i used to have so definitly tb helped a lot i used to be in continuous pain but right now it is way much better.
I started taking IGF-Lr3 and cjc w/o Dac + ghrp 2 combo as following:
IGf-lr3 : 60 mcg everyday after small workout in home just to get my self back.
cjc + ghrp2: 100 mcg each 3 times a day morning in the middle of the day and before sleeping.
with this combo they said it will give great benefits fast healing and recovery time.
Am hoping this will get me to what i want to be am seeing another doctor soon to see what exactly is it that keep me in pain even after 3 different MRI so hope everything will go will.
Hi bro Jimi,
Hope you doing well. i just have one question please through the process of healing which mean through the 6 weeks phase what kind of feeling did you have in the injured area (do you feel like it tickles inside ..not exactly ...but like etching tickle) and when did you start to feel pain free thank you for your time.

Sorry for delay in reply bro, About 8 weeks id say. I jut felt less and less discomfort along the "tingling" or anything. Personal note im doing overhead presses pain free , full range of motion, not full strength yet but up to 195lbs for 8. Considering a few months ago i couldnt even raise my right arm over my head..Im doing great!
Sorry Sorry Sorry.....for being late I apologize for my laziness... guys forgive me....anyway will i finished my phase load...overall obserevations Tb500 helped me a lot i will start going to the gym by the next week and i will keep you all updated with what will happen i will take it easy and lead my way up ....still have some pain in the back of my neck and shoulder but doctor said it is muscular issue and not the injury....i will keep you all updated with my cjc+ghrp2 and Igf combo too.
So you ended up doing 8mg a week, split into two doses, 4mg every 3 days? Damn that's pricey. 4 bottles a week x 6 weeks, 24 bottles at say $45 a bottle.....damn I need a new job.
I got a question, Are you only mixing the TB 500 w/ Bac? And if so how much for each bottle? I just picked up two bottles. Ea bottle is 2 mg? So I kinda want to know how many mcg you use and how many time per week? I am using Grhp-6 and Mod 1-29 three times (SubQ) a day or twice a day but only have bac. I am also geting IGF-! LR3 which I will be using acetic acid with bac. But was wonering if I can inject right in the muscle that I am working on that day and not SubQ. Also while doing all this I am on Dbol and Tren (longester) & Test C also long ester.
But I just recently developed shoulder pain so bad that I am taking 4 percocests to help the pain. And going to see my doctor at the end of this week to get a shot of cortisone. Its crazy, LMFAO.
Have you been injecting into your injured shoulder? I've read of people injecting tb 500 into their scalp to stimulate hair growth. I'm looking at it for my knee so assume I would pin it in that lower thigh area?