pip 3 days after


New member
I pinned geneza test-e for first time last friday (first time using geneza) and by the ending of sunday and today monday I had pip, there is no redness , its not hot and its not swollen but it hurts when I flex/stretch the quad. Is possible to get pip 2-3 days after the pin or is this an infection?
No infection...totally normal...is this your first cycle? 3 tips.....shower first.....relax the leg associated with the inject and warm the vial with a heating pad before drawing and injecting.....also...do it in the morning so you can walk the oil into the muscle all day. I have ZERO PIP this way
Yes its my first cycle but im well into 7th week by now and only had pip 1 time before and was the day after not 3 days after
It's normal sometimes bro. A lot of time PIP has to do with user error, although we don't want to admit it sometimes. Be sure your not tensing by mistake. Hell, sometime even if you do everything right you can still hit something that makes it more sore than usual. Chalk it up to the game. If there is no redness or fever, you'll be fine.
today i still have pip, not red but its a bit warmer than the other leg, if its an infection is supposed to be just a bit warmer or much warmer?