PIP/Neeedle Depth


New member
Few videos I watched said to leave a little needle out in case it gets stuck and you need to pull it out. However, logically i am thinking this causes more PIP since your hand shakes when you inject. For some, you can actually see the hand shake which means bigger movements, others you can't see your hand shake but IT IS still shaking. This means the needle is practically giving a TATTOO to your deep muscle tissue and can cause more PIP.

I will always go all the way in from now on and see if it helps. This way its more steady and less movement.
i dont know man , i dont think its the movement thats causing the pip . Im sure the injection has something to do with it and causes a little trauma to the muscle , but im thinking it has more to do with the solution and preservatives in the medicine
Since I started my testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) my doc said to go in all the way because sonce I am new at this, that the needle tip tends to cause trauma in the muscle and cause more scar tissue. So I guess he wants me to give it to myself deep and slow....that doesnt sound right by any means.
i dont know man , i dont think its the movement thats causing the pip . Im sure the injection has something to do with it and causes a little trauma to the muscle , but im thinking it has more to do with the solution and preservatives in the medicine

i agree, 1 cc of t400 is the worst pip ever for me. and 2.6cc's of test 250/npp is 0 npp. Even after a lot of shaking ha
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In my own opinion, i think that does sound right. If you leave some needle out, you stabilize it with your hand and you hand is NOT stable (think holding a camera, it will shake a bit) So by not putting th eneedle all the way in, there is less stabilization which means more tear in the muscle with more movement, needle can go in subQ, back down in muscle, back up into subQ...it can enter different places in muscle and cause more scar tissue. By going all the in, it stabilizes a lot better with no movement and damage to muscle is much less. Thats just the way i see it.

Since I started my testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) my doc said to go in all the way because sonce I am new at this, that the needle tip tends to cause trauma in the muscle and cause more scar tissue. So I guess he wants me to give it to myself deep and slow....that doesnt sound right by any means.
Nice, i experienced pip every injection so far. granted ive only done 4 so far, but ill see how it progresses. i think its def the gear because im doing these injections textbook-style.

i agree, 1 cc of t400 is the worst pip ever for me. and 2.6cc's of test 250npp is 0 npp. Even after a lot of shaking ha
In my own opinion, i think that does sound right. If you leave some needle out, you stabilize it with your hand and you hand is NOT stable (think holding a camera, it will shake a bit) So by not putting th eneedle all the way in, there is less stabilization which means more tear in the muscle with more movement, needle can go in subQ, back down in muscle, back up into subQ...it can enter different places in muscle and cause more scar tissue. By going all the in, it stabilizes a lot better with no movement and damage to muscle is much less. Thats just the way i see it.
i never bury the needle all the way in, i always leave some sticking out, less damage to the top layer of skin, plus i can see it its moves around AND i have found it to hurt less overall. plus if the tip did ever break off, you got some to grab on to and pull it out. personally i always leave some out. your hand is what should be stabilizing the syringe IMO and iv not had an issue, inn all the way or not you can still move it around, you just dont see it
i never bury the needle all the way in, i always leave some sticking out, less damage to the top layer of skin, plus i can see it its moves around AND i have found it to hurt less overall. plus if the tip did ever break off, you got some to grab on to and pull it out. personally i always leave some out. your hand is what should be stabilizing the syringe IMO and iv not had an issue, inn all the way or not you can still move it around, you just dont see it

Maybe thats why op is dealing with this? http://www.steroidology.com/forum/a...gf-lr3-painful-lumps-when-injected-sub-q.html
Maybe not but just noticed both posts back to back!!
I would attribute most pip to virgin muscle and ba and aas concentration.
Weeks ago I bent the plunger in half trying to get the oil in the muscle. Needle didn't bend but maybe a little. I was sitting on the shitter injecting the right quad, bent the damned plunger over, then straighten my leg so the muscle wasn't flexed. Oil when right in without issue. Very little pip. Hand shaking during injecting causing pip is overrated
I would attribute most pip to virgin muscle and ba and aas concentration.
Weeks ago I bent the plunger in half trying to get the oil in the muscle. Needle didn't bend but maybe a little. I was sitting on the shitter injecting the right quad, bent the damned plunger over, then straighten my leg so the muscle wasn't flexed. Oil when right in without issue. Very little pip. Hand shaking during injecting causing pip is overrated

thanks for sharing!
Few videos I watched said to leave a little needle out in case it gets stuck and you need to pull it out. However, logically i am thinking this causes more PIP since your hand shakes when you inject. For some, you can actually see the hand shake which means bigger movements, others you can't see your hand shake but IT IS still shaking. This means the needle is practically giving a TATTOO to your deep muscle tissue and can cause more PIP.

I will always go all the way in from now on and see if it helps. This way its more steady and less movement.

I'm in and out quick. Move that needle around much and to are guaranteed pip for a few days .A lot of guys make it hard on themselves.Practice makes perfect.
After you pin, use that same needle and try to break it against concrete floor or anything hard. See how much effort it takes to break. The needle will not break inside your muscle