pizza question


New member
so the family like to eat pizza on friday or saturday night and i was wondering what the best/healthiest form of pizza would be? i read or heard that thin crust veggies was a good choice? but i was wonder what other options there may be.

like meat lovers or supreme style.

or should i just say screw it and go with what ever my family likes..thick crust/pan pizza or whatever...

thanks for the help
Well, pizza once a week isn't terrible.
Thin crust w. veggies is OK. Its a lot better than thick crust/pan pizza, though those make me wet. I'd probably go w/ the veggies and thin crust, but a thick crust once a week isn't going to kill you.
**Try thin crust w. sausage. :)
i had a whole pizza @ 4 o'clock this morning. it was so choice...
:chomp: :chomp: Dude it might sound nasty but.... Make your own and put the sauce on then scrambleenough eggs to cover the pizza and finish off with your fav. toppings and low fat cheese or whatever... you'll be surprised how good it is and youll feel good about stuffing