planning my next cycle. Thoughts???????


New member
Whats up guys!

Strong through PCT at the moment. Looking at getting back on the oils in JAN.

Just collected 15 Genotropin pens today (36iu)
I also have 2 100iu kits of Jintropin from a good source aswell.

My stats.
13% fat

Clean bulk! Stack on a good muscle mass. Limit water bloat as much as possible.

Thoughts at the moment.

Starting NOW.
2iu ed GH for MINIMUM 9 months
4 weeks on / off IGF1 Lr3 from now though to end of AAS

Starting in jan..

EQ 1-14 750mg
Dbol 1-4 80mg ed
Sus 3-14 750mg
Masteron 8-14 300mg
Anavar 10-14 100mg ed

How long was your moat recent cycle (including PCT) and when when PCT end? Sounds like you may be trying to hop back on too quickly.

Why no test in the beginning of the cycle? Why Mast weeks 8-14 instead of from Day 1? And why so little Mast?

What are the hCG and Arimidex protocols?

What is you PCT protocol?

What is your current cycle and how many cycles have you run?

How old are you?

How will you manage hematocrit?