Prince's Recomp Cycle - Getting big and lean!!

Famous last words! Just make sure there are no friends present. They WILL call an ambulance.

Hmm.... call me sick, but I've had a thought. Putting a drop of tren into a slin pin and pinning it IV into a small hand vein or something.. Would be a way to test if your tren is legit? Lol. May actually consider this haha..
Honestly tren cough is no worse than getting the wind knocked out of you, scary for a few seconds then you man up and deal with it

There are a few reasons I would never mainline a UGL cattle steroid...

I'd rather trust my source (have a source I trust?) and gauge my tren's potency on positive results :)
Honestly tren cough is no worse than getting the wind knocked out of you, scary for a few seconds then you man up and deal with it

There are a few reasons I would never mainline a UGL cattle steroid...

I'd rather trust my source (have a source I trust?) and gauge my tren's potency on positive results :)

Fair call haha. I'd never inject more than the tiniest amount to get a reaction... more curious to do this as an experiment than anything. I do trust my source :) But maybe I should just wait until it happens on it's own..
(Lower 2)

308lbs x 10 reps
308lbs x 10 reps
352lbs x 8 reps <--- Heaviest Squat yet!! :D

Leg Press
616lbs x 10 reps
616lbs x 10 reps
616lbs x 10 reps

Standing Calf Raises (toes pointed straight)
352lbs x 10 reps
352lbs x 7 reps
264lbs x 10 reps

Working 12 hour days at the moment... coupled with the trensomnia, I'd had enough by this stage. Still threw in a set of shrugs and pumped out 40 push ups at the end just for fun.

I have a date on Sat night, and really wanted to drop the water weight by then as I hate that bloated/moony look in the face. So I ate all the last of my dbol today - 8 tablets. Either 40mg or 80mg, not sure. The calf pumps were pretty crazy... but walking home after gym was fucked! My lower back pump was damn painful.. Couldn't hold the bag in one hand too long, or the stabilizers would fucking swell up and hurt like a mofo lol.
Probably looked a bit retarted hobbling down the street changing bag hand to hand, but I didn't care. A lion doesn't concern itself with the opinions of sheep :D
(Upper 2)

Incline Dumbbell Press
77lbs x 10 reps
83lbs x 9 reps
83lbs x 7 reps

Wide Grip Pull Ups
Bodyweight x 7 reps
Bodyweight x 6 reps
Bodyweight x 5 reps <--- Bodyweight is going up, so this is still progress ;)

Barbell Curls
88lbs x 6 reps
88lbs x 6 reps
66lbs x 9 reps

Overhead Tricep Pull (rope)
12plates x 10 reps
12plates x 10 reps
12plates x 7 reps

Dumbbell Shoulder Press
61lbs x 9 reps
61lbs x 8 reps
61lbs x 6 reps

Weights are steadily going up on every lift, every session... pretty stoked! :D
Tren update:

- Sleep: I seem to be in this pattern of not getting much sleep for 3-4 days, then being tired enough to sleep nice one night after that. Then repeat. Making me a little irritable, but nothing too bad. Totally worth it.

- Sweats: Sweating is getting worse. Not much at night, though I'm kicking the air con down a few more degrees every other night now.. Last night I slept in 18 degrees Celcius (64.4 Fahrenheit) with blankets.

- Sex: Got laid the other night, didn't finish at all :wallbash: Could have gone on all fucking night lol. After savaging her for just over an hour I decided it's time to get some Prami lol.

- Pumps: Fucking painful! Forearms were fucked during my last session, makes holding on to dumbbells almost more painful then actually lifting them lol. I always seem to get them worst in forearms and lower back. I was hoping that would disappear now that I've dropped the dbol, but no luck.

- Hair: Shedding has stopped, thanks to Minox :D
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I don't remember, you taking taurine? That will help with the pumps for sure. You're lucky you could get an erection hard enough to even get to business. Definitely prami time lol.
I don't remember, you taking taurine? That will help with the pumps for sure. You're lucky you could get an erection hard enough to even get to business. Definitely prami time lol.

I'm not, but that's a great idea. I've got every other supplement under the sun lol... How in hell did I forget about taurine??

Yep, actually lost it a bit half way through when I stopped for air (damn cardio.) Came back after not too long - but I'll attribute that to Cialis :D

Edit: Both Prami & Taurine are on the way:D
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Thank the Gods of AAS I found some old Taurine I had lying around!! Don't have to wait for more to arrive hahah. Lower back was FUCKED today. I was studying all day at my desk. Got up went for a walk for about 15mins, got back to my chair and I could actually feel the lower back muscles throbbing/pulsing through the chair. Standing was literally uncomfortable. Legs feel fucking great though, nice and full and rock hard. Just can't handle that lower back.

Downed 1.5g of Taurine tonight now off to sleep... Hoping things are easier tomorrow for work :)
Wtf Prince you teaze cropped the pic right at the good part! And very true only benefit to be tall is I could hide my fat with clothes lol. Good luck bro you have a good frame to pack slabs of muscle I was pretty fat when I started so it's been a hard journey your gonna blow up lean cuz you started low bf%
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I'd up that to 4g of Taurine daily brother... usually works well for back pumps etc

True? Sweet thanks man. Haven't heard of guys taking that much before but then again I've never really read much into Taurine past a short clen cycle. These pumps are fucking crazy too so makes sense I'll need a lot more. Upping the dosage immediately, thanks brother :)

Wtf Prince you teaze cropped the pic right at the good part! And very true only benefit to be tall is I could hide my fat with clothes lol. Good luck bro you have a good frame to pack slabs of muscle I was pretty fat when I started so it's been a hard journey your gonna blow up lean cuz you started low bf%

Hahah sorry buddy.. trying to keep it relatively PG... I'd feel bad if I knew I was keeping Rastas awake all night and making his sweats worse.

How tall are you brother? Thanks for the compliments :) Hopefully look as beast as you do in a short while haha
True? Sweet thanks man. Haven't heard of guys taking that much before but then again I've never really read much into Taurine past a short clen cycle. These pumps are fucking crazy too so makes sense I'll need a lot more. Upping the dosage immediately, thanks brother :)

Hahah sorry buddy.. trying to keep it relatively PG... I'd feel bad if I knew I was keeping Rastas awake all night and making his sweats worse.

How tall are you brother? Thanks for the compliments :) Hopefully look as beast as you do in a short while haha
I'm 6ft 270lbs hard to believe being tall helps alot I know I got all the of fat mostly around the waist and spread pretty even though out my body. I can't seem to drop weight because of the tren I lose fat and stay heavy I know eventually the weight will drop
I'm 6ft 270lbs hard to believe being tall helps alot I know I got all the of fat mostly around the waist and spread pretty even though out my body. I can't seem to drop weight because of the tren I lose fat and stay heavy I know eventually the weight will drop

Damn! Big boy lol. I'll get there eventually. Haha yeah I'm the same, I pretty much look the same just bigger and slightly softer from 16%-22ish%. Fat spread out very evenly... but do carry alot around the lower waist. Can't wait to get rid of it lol.

Fuck tell me about it haha! I've been eating ~2000cals the last 3 weeks and just keep gaining weight lol. Ridiculous. I'm not really complaining, this is a recomp after all lol... it's just odd being on a cut and weight continuously going up :roll: Gotta love tren :D
Damn! Big boy lol. I'll get there eventually. Haha yeah I'm the same, I pretty much look the same just bigger and slightly softer from 16%-22ish%. Fat spread out very evenly... but do carry alot around the lower waist. Can't wait to get rid of it lol.

Fuck tell me about it haha! I've been eating ~2000cals the last 3 weeks and just keep gaining weight lol. Ridiculous. I'm not really complaining, this is a recomp after all lol... it's just odd being on a cut and weight continuously going up :roll: Gotta love tren :D
Oh the Tren cant be beat! Build muscle and get super ripped at the same time, lol.

My last run I had MAJOR sleep issues I had the same thing as you, 3-4 nights of hardly not sleeping, except I didnt have the catch up night haha every night was bad.

Keep in killin it Prince brother!
I'd eat more bro I feel like shit on low calories on tren tren won't let you get fat unless u eat McDonald's everyday you can lose fat and grow at the same time only hormone I've experienced that with
I'd eat more bro I feel like shit on low calories on tren tren won't let you get fat unless u eat McDonald's everyday you can lose fat and grow at the same time only hormone I've experienced that with

Yeah? I still feel amazing haha. Even with fuck all sleep. I'll be upping the calories once I'm a bit leaner. The plan is to stay at ~2000cals until the cut phase is over/T3 runs out. Then remain there for two weeks while thyroid recovers, which should have me near enough to maintenance/a surplus. After that, I'll start SMASHING the cals and bulk hard lol.

I've upped the T3 to 100mcg daily now. No sides so far, and I'd like to finish it sooner and allow thyroid plenty of time to recover before I hit PCT.

Edit: Taurine has been an absolute god send, thanks to half & benny for bringing that up. Had 4grams this morning, back feels 1000x better now. I can actually stand and walk around for more than 5mins without dying now:D:D
Felt on top of the fucking world all day today. Was just so damn happy! Loving it :D

(Lower 1)

330lbs x 10 reps
330lbs x 10 reps
352lbs x 10 reps

Leg Press
616lbs x 10 reps
704lbs x 10 reps
704lbs x 10 reps

Calf Raises (toes pointed up)
462lbs x 25 reps
572lbs x 12 reps

Leg Curls
Whole Stack x 10 reps
Whole Stack x 10 reps
Whole Stack x 10 reps

Every session all lifts are STILL going up. Comparing this to the same day last week is pretty phenomenal strength gains for a cut. Starting to see more veins showing up... Found a new fucker snaking across my chest, it's a little buried in fat though but it's starting to show.. Couple more weeks and I'll have him popping out :D

"If there's one thing women love - it's a vascular man. I'm not satisfied until every vein is forced up against my skin." - Stewie Griffin ;)
(Upper 1)

Guillotine Press
132lbs x 10 warm up
242lbs x 8 reps
220lbs x 10 reps
242lbs x 6 reps

Cable Seated Row
20plates x 10 reps
20plates x 8 reps
18plates x 10 reps

Barbell Curls
88lbs x 7 reps
88lbs x 6 reps
66lbs x 8 reps

Tricep Pulldown (rope)
13plates x 10 reps
12plates x 10 reps
10plates x 10 reps

Lateral Dumbbell Raises
28bs x 12 reps
28lbs x 10 reps
28lbs x 8 reps

New PB on the Guillotine Press.. never benched 242lbs before, let alone in a big deficit and for two sets :D I fucking LOVE tren lol.
Taking 5 grams of Taurine daily now. Lower back still getting real painful when I use it for extended periods, but otherwise been a shit load better. Can't even think of doing bird dogs at the moment though lol.
Week 3 stats

Weight: 227lbs
Neck: 15.75inch
Waist: 36inch

So this week I've gained another 5lbs!! Lol. Not happy about the increases on neck and waist though... was really hoping they'd go down this week. Bit confused as to why they've gone up... :wallbash: I AM visibly leaner.

I'm getting blood drawn this morning, so will get to see how everything is in a few days. Estradiol might be a little high, I've noticed some edema around the ankles and wrists. Hopefully that's whats pushing the measurements up, but we'll see.