

New member
I've been stuck at the same bench weight for a good 2 months now. I started training about 6 months ago so i dont really know what i'm doing. When i started i was going up 5 lbs. every 2 weeks or so which was great but all of a sudden i stopped and i dont know why:confused: i havent changed my routine or my diet. heres what i do for bench:

max = 145 (im a kid)

1x8x60 (warmup)
1x6x90 (warmup)

its the same routine ive been doing since i started and its been working(when my max goes up i just change the weight according to the ratio described above)! thats why im so confused. i got it off some website and it made my max go up the first day but its not doing anything now.

heres my new routine that im starting as of...tomorrow!
bench/chest/shoulders monday
legs/back tuesday
bench/triceps wednsday
biceps thursday
legs/dead lifts friday

if you think thats overtraining, before this i was basically doing everything in 1 day, taking a day of rest in between each workout, and honestly not working each body part very well.(this was back when i my bench WAS progressing).

so basically im a lost soul, thanks for taking the time to read this.
oh ya i forgot to mention some things, i do cardio about 4 times/week and im going all for strength not tone or anything.
as in all exercises, to increase size and strength, you have to increase the weight you are pushing..also, i would cut bcak on the sets and maybe try the 5*5 routine..or lets use the weights you have posted, i think you should be able to do 3 sets of 6 reps at 125-135..try doing a heavier weight for less reps for more that until it becdaomes easier and add weight as you feel you can...

ya i can do 135 5 reps, i dont know about 5 sets though. im trying to decide if i want to try the "matrix training" which involves 1 heavy day and 1 light day/week or the 5X5 like you said which would be just one day per week.
i havent done incline in a while(i use to every workout) so that may be the problem.
remember when training heavy or training to build may need to take more time between sets...i have taken 3-5 minutes between my sets on bench day...try it 3*5 if you like...but take 3 minutes or so between the sets and see where you end up..

i think ill try a 5 x 5 and then when i hit a plateu ill go down to 5 x 3(like the 5x5 thread on this forum), but if thats too much then ill go down to a 4 x 5 or a 3 x 5 like you suggested. thnks for the tip on the 3 minute wait time.
no problem should be fine..remember that as you progress into your sets, the reps should become more difficult to do..keep a spotter around for you if you need to...
