Please brothers hear my story (winstrol,test. Primo.hgh)

Sounds like you don't have enough protein in there so support the increase in protein synthesis the AAS provides, you really need to capitalize on that as it's the whole point.

You mention starting your day with fruit, I see no mention of protein in there and you're training right after you eat the fruit, so when your training you don't have any amino acids in you and you're tearing muscle down, this is no good. Either way you need protein in breakfast, after a night of not eating your body is fasted and catibolic so you need protein as soon as you're up. You also need protein before you're workout.

I myself get up a little extra early to have breakfast then let that digest, since I go to the gym in the morning too I make sure I give myself time. So decent sized breakfast with complex carbs, protein and some fats. Around an hour and a half later I head up the gym so I down a protein shake quick with some MCT or coconut oil for a quick energy source, then shake and complex carbs after the workout.

I'm by no means a diet expert but it appears that's surely your problem, you need more protein And surely with breakfast and pre workout, I would swap some of the fruit for a complex carb like oats too.

I eat protien directly after workout I just use fruit as energy pre-workout do I need to add protien before pre workout too?
I eat protien directly after workout I just use fruit as energy pre-workout do I need to add protien before pre workout too?

Yes, protein pre-workout is not optional if you're trying to retain lean mass.

Whole grain carbs like brown rice may provide for better energy pre-workout too, fruit contains a lot of fructose which has to go through the liver before it's converted.
Yes, protein pre-workout is not optional if you're trying to retain lean mass.

Whole grain carbs like brown rice may provide for better energy pre-workout too, fruit contains a lot of fructose which has to go through the liver before it's converted.

Consider it done thanks man
There's no way this is the US military... We're not called upon, not since the Vietnam era.

Not sure where you live that your drafted into the army, especially when you're not physically fit enough.

To me this is so weird, as a 6 year veteran of the US Army. There's no room for unfit folks in combat arms, you will either get yourself killed or worse off, your fellow battle buddy.

How about you just tell us what country you're in so we can all avoid ever going there? Can't imagine this said army would be worth a damn if they're just forcing anyone and everyone in.

And yes halfwit, our military tests for all the major drugs and they can ask you to submit to a lab test if they believe you're using performance enhancing drugs. I still think OP is in some strange place that does things differently.

could be russia or switzerland, they still have compulsory service, as does south korea