Please check Xtreme Tren Cycle+PCT


New member
Ok so i'm going to start a cycle of Xtreme Tren, but I need to plan a post cycle therapy (pct). I heard a S.E.R.M. is a waste of money and could aggravate side effects, so this is what I had planned, and for all I know its totally wrong and I'd screw myself up so I decided to come here first.

Weeks 1-4: Xtreme Tren, Vitamin B5, Vitamin B6
Week 5: Nothing
Week 6+: Full cycles of:
-Bulgarian Tribulus Terrestris

Anyways thanks for time and replies, I dont want to do something stupid. BTW my "stats"

Id be doing GVT for cycle.
Eat everything in site diet, but relatively clean, no sweets.
man, dont bother with that tren extreme.

nah, too much money, its not all its cracked up to be, hope you didnt already buy it.
man, dont bother with that tren extreme.

nah, too much money, its not all its cracked up to be, hope you didnt already buy it.

bullshit this stuff is,try and see.$45.00 is not to much money imo,,
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Does extreme tren work?

OK fellas here is a dude that just turned 42 and have used roids when some of you guys were just a twinkle in your daddy's eyes. I started working out at age 15 of and on and took seious at age 21 I have been fortunate and smart enough to quit the roids before i was planted 6ft under great gains and many years of pain playing the game. So forget about that Does Extremetren work? Yes and no, the no is not like a true roid! you guys out there know what I mean, the yes it does give you gains, strength and some anxiety but if I had a chance to go back to 1985 and extremetren was available I would buy it and stop waisting money on some of that bunk crap thats out there yur just filling yourself with funk. If you want nice gains, definition and size give this tren a chance, eat well, plenty of REST!!!!! the more rest the better recooperation and the harder you hit the bigger you get. It works fellas, I quit working out for 5 years and on extremtren now and at 42 weighing 235 at 6ft3 and well cut man boys people think I am in my late 20's also check your test levels might mess you up when the time is right, clean out your system with liver cleaners and a gallon of water a day will do just as if yur on roids. Would love some feedback from you guys that it has worked on, happy workin it fellas and be safe!!
I am a 42 yr old woman interested in using Tren. Was advised it is good. I was wondering if anyone has any advice. I have done many cycles on other supp but been off for about 3 years now. To be truthful I never heard of tren until recently. I need some help to kick start me back into muscle building.
Xtreme Tren

I've used this and had sick gains. I hang at about 225 and hit 240 with wicked cuts and lean dry muscle. we can not buy it in the store here, but they sell this sh*t in every health store in Jordan. I can tell you that I do feel a bit off when taking (heavy throbbing in head and some flank pain) I've done winnie and d-bol and did not feel the same sides. If you want great size and strength gains this is good, but it is not without feeling a bit sh*tty.:destroy: