Please Critique-3rd Cycle - Sustanon 250, 10 weeks!


New member
Hi All

I'm planning on running a cycle for 10 weeks with the following

400mg sustanon pinned 2x/wk for 10 weeks
12.5mg Aromasin eod (if estrogen effects comeup I'll up to ed)
HCG Not sure how to dose this throughout cycle (I used it before but at end of cycle)-SUGGESTIONS?

I'm also planning on trying Helios (liquid clen+yohimbine) during cycle- any suggestions?

My last cycle was 5 years ago 500mg test cyp; 10wks (ran Adex; hcg at end of cycle) about 10-15lbs quality gains)


My stats are 39 y/o; 190lbs; around 10%bf; 20 years gym exp
Personally I would go to 12 weeks but nothing wrong with 10
Hcg take it 250iu twice per week throughout
I am assuming a nolva/clomid pct ?

Is it oral or injectible helios ? what dose ar eyou planning on running and where are you injecting it ? meaning are you trying to get the site specific use out of it
Just to be clear : total sustanon 400 mg (2x 200mg/week)

HCG 250ic twice per week (500 total/week?) long post cycle should I run?

nolva/clomid....doesnt the aromasin /hcg cover what these would do? or is there something i'm missing?

Re specific is the goal...I have some small (natural occuring) gyno and lower abs/love handle area that I wanna target. I'm concerned about the bruising and sleep deprivation sides. Dosage tbt