New member
Hi All
I'm planning on running a cycle for 10 weeks with the following
400mg sustanon pinned 2x/wk for 10 weeks
12.5mg Aromasin eod (if estrogen effects comeup I'll up to ed)
HCG Not sure how to dose this throughout cycle (I used it before but at end of cycle)-SUGGESTIONS?
I'm also planning on trying Helios (liquid clen+yohimbine) during cycle- any suggestions?
My last cycle was 5 years ago 500mg test cyp; 10wks (ran Adex; hcg at end of cycle) about 10-15lbs quality gains)
My stats are 39 y/o; 190lbs; around 10%bf; 20 years gym exp
I'm planning on running a cycle for 10 weeks with the following
400mg sustanon pinned 2x/wk for 10 weeks
12.5mg Aromasin eod (if estrogen effects comeup I'll up to ed)
HCG Not sure how to dose this throughout cycle (I used it before but at end of cycle)-SUGGESTIONS?
I'm also planning on trying Helios (liquid clen+yohimbine) during cycle- any suggestions?
My last cycle was 5 years ago 500mg test cyp; 10wks (ran Adex; hcg at end of cycle) about 10-15lbs quality gains)
My stats are 39 y/o; 190lbs; around 10%bf; 20 years gym exp