Please critique my bulking diet


New member
hie i am 191 at 5'8 around percent. I am planning to go on a bulking cycle. I am planning to use deca along with test p for 12 weeks for the time being. Still considering the dosages and post cycle therapy (pct). My goal for the cycle is to gain as much size as possible as long as i am under 15-percent body fat. Here's my planned diet , it would be great if you could help me improve it.
1)10 egg whites + 3 yolks + 1 cup oatmeal
2)12 oz chicken breast + 1 cup rice
3)12 oz steak + 1 cup rice
4)Iso Mass extreme gainer
5)12 oz chicken breast
6)Whey protein 2 scoops
i am not a big fan of vegetables and so i am gonna take animal pak twice a day for the multi vitamins along with cycle support which is yet to be planned. my total macros come to about 450 protein, 530 carbs and around 50grams of fat.
Also i am still planning but i might pin test p eod 100mg along with 300-400 mg of deca a week. I am still consdering my dosage for the deca cos ive seen most of the people take around 200mg per lb. And also what kinds of gains can i expect from such a cycle? This is my 2nd cycle. my first cycle was sustanon 250. it was pretty shit tbh cos i did'nt do proper research and lost pretty much everything i gained. From the past 6 months ive been training with a big guy so trying to learn as much as i can.
Any advice or input will be appreciated. Thanks
Meal 1 i would do 2 packs of oatmeal, 2, 3, and 5 i would do 1.5 cups of rice or 10 oz sweet potatoes. I would recommend to try and stomach a cup of green beans at least 2 meals a day. Meal 6 is before bed or post workout? You need fast acting carbs for postworkout to go along with your protein. 12 oz of chicken and steak, enjoy chewing brotha :p

I just finished up my test deca cycle. this is what i did

Test c 600mg/wk 14wks split into 2 pins mixed with deca
Deca 400mg/wk 12 wks
Adex .5mg eod
Caber .5mg e3d
Followed a similar diet that you have and what i mentioned. I increased carbs when weight stopped going up. Start at 210, now sitting at 230 6'2 and great strength gains
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Thanks for the input metalhead. and my meal 6 is before bed, I usually train at 5 in the morning.and also should i try to keep all my sources of carbs complex other then my post workout meal ?
Do 2 scoops casein protein before bed as it will feed your muscles while you sleep. Yes simple carbs like a white bagel or white bread post workout with your protein
What Metalhead said is right on point. Not too sure about the cycle info but as to the diet:

1) you're deficient in dietary fat. I'd up it to at least ~90g of fat and you can do this by reducing carbs, protein or both. You're taking in more than enough of both.

2) multi vitamins, even animal pak (my personally choice too btw) will not make up for no veggies and fruits. The antioxidants, fiber, etc are not found in animal pak like they are in veggies and fruits and the bioavailability of multis is very much in question compared to whole foods. Try and eat some veggies and fruits everyday.

The only points I would argue are that fast-acting carbs are not NEEDED post-workout but is more of a preferential choice and one of convenience so long as you do take in some form of carbs and whey is faster digesting than casein but if you're really taking in 450g of protein/day slow digestion is the least of your concerns as your daily needs will have been more than met and with so much protein, digestion will be slowed as is by the ileal tract in the small intestine.

Other than that I know Metal has ran a test/deca cycle and has had fantastic results so his recommendations should point you in the right direction.
Thanks for the kind words doc. I just recommended high glycemic carbs post workout to create an insulin spike to help drive all the nutrients to the muscle cells for recovery. I just know from my experience it has helped me tremendously
Thanks for the kind words doc. I just recommended high glycemic carbs post workout to create an insulin spike to help drive all the nutrients to the muscle cells for recovery. I just know from my experience it has helped me tremendously

Your welcome bro, like i said your points are all valid and you have the sxperience with deca not i.

A typical weightlifting workout (body part splits especially) does not fully deplete muscle glycogen. Even some two a day workouts with weights will still not fully deplete muscle glycogen completely and even if it did, unless you plan on reusing those same muscles again that day, replenishing muscle glycogen quickly is not mandatory. By the time you get to your next workout the following day your glycogen levels will have been replenished from other meals. Endurance athletes, triathaloners, etc are the ppl who should be worried most about glycogen replenishment since they are the ones who typically deplete it regularly.

Insulin spikes will help shuttle nutrients into cells quicker to help with other functions besides muscle glycogen but protein itself is also insulinogenic, sometimes more so than carbs. Protein will also slow the digestion time and lower the glycemic load of the meal also so it makes it even less of an issue since a quick carb will become slower when taken with protein or fat.

I'm not saying you're wrong, I'm simply stating these things can help BUT focus on the important things first which as you said already: try and eat veggies, switch out some rice meals for sweet potatoes since sweet potatoes will have different micros than rice, possibly eating less meat and chicken or splitting them up in separate meals bc 12oz in one sitting can be tough depending on the person, upping the fat intake, and getting the cycle right. IMO these are all much more important than what you and I are talking about now. Once he's got the big stuff down pat, then worry about the rest.
Thanks Docd187 and metalhead. Ill surely keep all the invaluable advice you gave me before planning up my cycle. Also should i go for nandralone deconate or phenylpropionate since my cycle is going to be 10 or 12 weeks and deconate is gonna take more time to kick in.
and what would be the ideal dose for deca
Your welcome bro, like i said your points are all valid and you have the sxperience with deca not i.

A typical weightlifting workout (body part splits especially) does not fully deplete muscle glycogen. Even some two a day workouts with weights will still not fully deplete muscle glycogen completely and even if it did, unless you plan on reusing those same muscles again that day, replenishing muscle glycogen quickly is not mandatory. By the time you get to your next workout the following day your glycogen levels will have been replenished from other meals. Endurance athletes, triathaloners, etc are the ppl who should be worried most about glycogen replenishment since they are the ones who typically deplete it regularly.

Insulin spikes will help shuttle nutrients into cells quicker to help with other functions besides muscle glycogen but protein itself is also insulinogenic, sometimes more so than carbs. Protein will also slow the digestion time and lower the glycemic load of the meal also so it makes it even less of an issue since a quick carb will become slower when taken with protein or fat.

I'm not saying you're wrong, I'm simply stating these things can help BUT focus on the important things first which as you said already: try and eat veggies, switch out some rice meals for sweet potatoes since sweet potatoes will have different micros than rice, possibly eating less meat and chicken or splitting them up in separate meals bc 12oz in one sitting can be tough depending on the person, upping the fat intake, and getting the cycle right. IMO these are all much more important than what you and I are talking about now. Once he's got the big stuff down pat, then worry about the rest.

All good points brother. Thanks for the insight
Thanks Docd187 and metalhead. Ill surely keep all the invaluable advice you gave me before planning up my cycle. Also should i go for nandralone deconate or phenylpropionate since my cycle is going to be 10 or 12 weeks and deconate is gonna take more time to kick in.
and what would be the ideal dose for deca

400mg/wk will get you real good results. I would suggest to run it 12 weeks. I saw quite an increase in everything the last 2 weeks. Im not sure on the npp doses, maybe 100mg eod, and i believe sice its fast acting to run it for 8-10 weeks. Your call. Make a thread before you get everything to get more opinions. Good luck