Please critique my program


New member
Hey guys I've just started a test deca cycle and made up a new program I wanna know what you think. I especially need to put some size on my shoulders and biceps. I'm pretty stisfied with my chest back and legs But my arms and traps are pretty small in comparison.

I do everything pyramidal (12,10 , 8, 6 reps)

Day 1 Back, abs
Barbell bentover row
4 sets

Lat pulldown (wide grip)
4 sets

Reversed push-ups
I basically pull myself up holding a bar with my feet resting on a bench
4 sets

I do a machine similar to lat pulldown but a close grip
4 sets

weighted sit-ups
6 sets of 10-15 reps


Day 2 Pecs, Biceps

Barbell bench press on the smith machine
4 sets

Bench press using handles on a cable machine
4 sets

inclined pec fly
4 sets

Declined pec fly on a machine
4 sets

Barbel curl
4 sets

inclined dumbell hammer curl
3 sets

Bicep machine
3 sets

Day 3 Legs, abs
Squat on a smith machine
4 sets

Leg press
4 sets

Leg curl
4 sets

Leg extension
4 sets

weighted calf extension
4 sets

Abs machine
5 sets

Day 4 Shoulders, triceps
Arnold press
4 sets

Lat raise
4 sets

Front raise
3 sets

reversed fly using cables
3 sets

Upright row using a barbell
3 sets

Shrugs using handles with cables
3 sets

Close grip press
4 sets

cable tricep extension using a bar
4 sets

Tricep extension machine
3 sets

Yep too much volume. Look into 5x5. Just cause your on gear doesn't mean you should train more. You should be stronger which should cause you to grow with proper diet.
If u want bigger arms forget about ur biceps, Hit ur triceps and do more compound exersises. The bicep is a small muscle . isolation wise u should only do 2 exersises on it at best . Chuck them in on a compound day or whatever . They also need time to rest . Traps upright row,shrugs should do the trick .

Also u might wanna think about training either biceps/triceps together on the one day or Back,biceps togther and chest and triceps together :)

my bad i should probabaly read the whole thread. Just dont go doing 1000 reps on ur biceps son. thats probabaly to much on ur triceps . good compounds r the best for stimulating hypertrophy of the muscle stick with them rest well. ull b fine

Toss the Smith Machine brother. Do real bench press and real squats, the difference is definitely not trivial.
I'm curious, why is everyone SOO against machines? I understand if someone did mainly machines but I have maybe 5 in my entire 4 day split.
I'm curious, why is everyone SOO against machines? I understand if someone did mainly machines but I have maybe 5 in my entire 4 day split.

I think machines have their place. My problem is with using a machine to replace a staple compound movement such as the bench and certainly the squat.

The point of these big compound movements is maximal recruitment, and by using a machine you eliminate the need for many stabilizing auxiliary muscles.

There's a reason everyone can do more weight on the Smith Machine, because it's easier, you don't have to stabilize the weight because it's limited to one plane of motion, but you're also slighting yourself by not challenging the muscle fully.
There's a reason everyone can do more weight on the Smith Machine, because it's easier, you don't have to stabilize the weight because it's limited to one plane of motion, but you're also slighting yourself by not challenging the muscle fully.
Ok but it could be argued that the main muscle (quads and glutes) are utilized to their full capacity and you're really maximizing their potential strenght by pushing an even bgger weight. Don't you think?
Nothing wrong with machines. The best chest workout I've ever had was all machines. If you're working the muscle, then you're working the muscle. But using a Smith Machine for something like squats is less than ideal. Since it's on a set track and the weight isn't the same, you're cheating yourself in a way.
Ok but it could be argued that the main muscle (quads and glutes) are utilized to their full capacity and you're really maximizing their potential strenght by pushing an even bgger weight. Don't you think?
You're not really pushing a "bigger weight". 135 on a squat rack is literally heavier than 135 on the smith machine. With all of the mechanics of the wiring and shit, the weight gets carried a little more by the machine.
You asked for a critique, I gave you my opinion. There's a reason you don't see pro BBers or powerlifters doing bench and squat using a smith machine.
If you're working the muscle, then you're working the muscle.

This is somewhat true but there are a lot of muscles that aren't getting worked maximally. Further, if you limit a motion to a single plane, it will still recruit fewer muscle fibers in the main muscle group you're working. Smith machines limit the potential directions the weight can go in considerably (only letting it go up and down), BB press allows more freedom thus is more challenging (now the weight can go up, down, forward, and backward), and DB press allows even more freedom (now not just forward and backward, but also side to side). The more potential directions the weight can go in, the more likely it will be that you're recruiting as many motor units (and thus muscle fibers) as possible.